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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2005 IntroToTheSpecIssOnMWE + (Introduction to the Special Issue on Multiword Expressions: Having a crack at a hard nut)
- 2006 IntroToSpecialIssueSRWDMApps + (Introduction to the Special Issue on Successful Real-World Data Mining Applications)
- 2002 IntroToTheSpecialIssueOnSummarization + (Introduction to the Special Issue on Summarization)
- 2006 IntroToTheSpecIssOnTheWebAsCorpus + (Introduction to the Special Issue on the Web as Corpus)
- 1991 IntroductionToTheTheoryOfNeurolComputation + (Introduction to the Theory of Neurol Computation)
- 2012 IntrusionAsantisocialCommunicat + (Intrusion As (anti)social Communication: Characterization and Detection)
- 2013 InvestigatingHumanPerformancein + (Investigating Human Performance in Hand-Drawn Symbol Autocompletion)
- 2003 InvestSemantSimMeasAcrossTheGeneOntoTheRelBetwSeqAndAnno + (Investigating Semantic Similarity Measures Across the Gene Ontology: The Relationship Between Sequence and Annotation)
- 2021 InvestigatingTrendsintheQuality + (Investigating Trends in the Quality of Reporting of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Oncology Over Time: Analysis of 631 Randomized Controlled Trials Published Between 2004 and 2019)
- 2008 InvolvingDomainExpertsinAuthori + (Involving Domain Experts in Authoring OWL Ontologies)
- 1994 IrrelevantFeaturesAndTheSubSelProb + (Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem)
- 2009 IsAnAgentTheoryofMindToMValuabl + (Is An Agent Theory of Mind (ToM) Valuable for Adaptive, Intelligent Systems?)
- 1996 IsItAnAgentOrJustaProgramATaxon + (Is It An Agent, Or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents)
- 2015 IsaCambrianExplosionComingforRo + (Is a Cambrian Explosion Coming for Robotics?)
- 2009 IssuesinEvaluationofStreamLearn + (Issues in Evaluation of Stream Learning Algorithms)
- 2020 ItsNotJustSizeThatMattersSmallL + (It's Not Just Size That Matters: Small Language Models Are Also Few-Shot Learners)
- 2011 ItsWhoYouKnowGraphMiningUsingRe + (It's Who You Know: Graph Mining Using Recursive Structural Features)
- 2001 ItembasedCollaborativeFiltering + (Item-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms)
- 2007 ItemRankARandomWalkbasedScoring + (ItemRank: A Random-walk based Scoring Algorithm for Recommender Engines)
- 2000 IterativeClassification + (Iterative Classification in Relational Data)
- 2004 IterativeRecordLinkageForCleaningAndIntegration + (Iterative Record Linkage for Cleaning and Integration)
- 2005 JadexABDIReasoningEngine + (Jadex: A BDI Reasoning Engine)
- 2003 JessInAction + (Jess in Action: Java Rule-based Systems)
- 1994 JobCreationandJobDestructionint + (Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment)
- 2015 JoblessRecoveries + (Jobless Recoveries)
- 2011 JoblessRecoveryisNoRecoveryPros + (Jobless Recovery is No Recovery: Prospects for the US Economy)
- 2012 JobsProductivityandtheGreatDeco + (Jobs, Productivity and the Great Decoupling)
- 2022 JointApplicationoftheTargetTria + (Joint Application of the Target Trial Causal Framework and Machine Learning Modeling to Optimize Antibiotic Therapy: Use Case on Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections Due to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
- 2020 JointCommonsenseandRelationReas + (Joint Commonsense and Relation Reasoning for Image and Video Captioning)
- 2010 JointCovariateSelectionandJoint + (Joint Covariate Selection and Joint Subspace Selection for Multiple Classification Problems)
- 2017 JointDeepModelingofUsersandItem + (Joint Deep Modeling of Users and Items Using Reviews for Recommendation)
- 2006 JointExtrOfEntsAndRelsForOpinionRecog + (Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations for Opinion Recognition)
- 2010 JointInferenceForKEfromBioLit + (Joint Inference for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Literature)
- 2007 JointInferenceInInformationExtraction + (Joint Inference in Information Extraction)
- 2008 JointLatentTopicModelsforTextan + (Joint Latent Topic Models for Text and Citations)
- 2015 JointLearningofCharacterandWord + (Joint Learning of Character and Word Embeddings)
- 2012 JointLearningofWordsandMeaningR + (Joint Learning of Words and Meaning Representations for Open-text Semantic Parsing)
- 2012 JointOptimizationofBidandBudget + (Joint Optimization of Bid and Budget Allocation in Sponsored Search)
- 2009 JointParsingandNamedEntityRecog + (Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition)
- 2005 JointParsingAndSRL + (Joint Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling)
- 2008 JointUnsupCorefResWithMarkovLogic + (Joint Unsupervised Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic)
- 2014 JointlyModelingAspectsRatingsan + (Jointly Modeling Aspects, Ratings and Sentiments for Movie Recommendation (JMARS))
- 2023 JudgingLLMAsaJudgewithMTBenchan + (Judging LLM-as-a-judge with MT-Bench and Chatbot Arena)
- 1974 JudgmentunderUncertaintyHeurist + (Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases)
- 1998 JustConsequentialismandComputin + (Just Consequentialism and Computing)
- 2001 JusticeAsFairnessARestatement + (Justice As Fairness: A Restatement)
- 2009 KDD09Proceedingsofthe15thACMSIG + (KDD'09: Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)
- 1999 KEAPracticalAutomaticKeyphraseE + (KEA: Practical Automatic Keyphrase Extraction)
- 2003 KIMSemanticAnnotPlatform + (KIM - Semantic Annotation Platform)
- 2010 KYOTO + (KYOTO: An open platform for mining facts)
- 1785 GroundworkoftheMetaphysicsofMorals + (Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals)