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List of results
- 2018 FactorsAssociatedwithClinicalTr + (Factors Associated with Clinical Trials That Fail and Opportunities for Improving the Likelihood of Success: A Review)
- 1957 FactorsRelevanttotheVal... + (Factors Relevant to the Validity of Experiments in Social Settings)
- 2005 FairnessandRedistribution + (Fairness and Redistribution)
- 2015 FaitCrowdFineGrainedTruthDiscov + (FaitCrowd: Fine Grained Truth Discovery for Crowdsourced Data Aggregation)
- 2020 FalseAlarmHowClimateChangePanic + (False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet)
- 2024 FalsePositivesinABTests + (False Positives in A/B Tests)
- 1874 FarfromtheMaddingCrowd + (Far from the Madding Crowd)
- 2012 FastAlgorithmsforComprehensiveN + (Fast Algorithms for Comprehensive N-point Correlation Estimates)
- 2012 FastAlgorithmsforMaximalCliqueE + (Fast Algorithms for Maximal Clique Enumeration with Limited Memory)
- 2011 FastApproximateSimilaritySearch + (Fast Approximate Similarity Search based on Degree-reduced Neighborhood Graphs)
- 2009 FastApproximateSpectralClusteri + (Fast Approximate Spectral Clustering)
- 2012 FastBregmanDivergenceNMFUsingTa + (Fast Bregman Divergence NMF Using Taylor Expansion and Coordinate Descent)
- 2011 FastClusteringUsingMapReduce + (Fast Clustering Using MapReduce)
- 2008 FastCollapsedGibbsSamplingforLa + (Fast Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
- 2008 FastComputationofMoorePenroseIn + (Fast Computation of Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices)
- 2011 FastCoordinateDescentMethodswit + (Fast Coordinate Descent Methods with Variable Selection for Non-negative Matrix Factorization)
- 2014 FastDTTANearLinearAlgorithmforD + (Fast DTT: A Near Linear Algorithm for Decomposing a Tensor Into Factor Tensors)
- 1996 FastDiscoveryOfAssociationRules + (Fast Discovery of Association Rules)
- 2010 FastEuclideanMinimumSpanningTre + (Fast Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree: Algorithm, Analysis, and Applications)
- 2002 FastExactInferenceWithAFactored Model + (Fast Exact Inference with a Factored Model for Natural Language Parsing)
- 2014 FastFluxDiscriminantforLargeSca + (Fast Flux Discriminant for Large-scale Sparse Nonlinear Classification)
- 2014 FastHighAccuracyPartofSpeechTag + (Fast High-Accuracy Part-of-Speech Tagging by Independent Classifiers)
- 2023 FastInferencefromTransformersvi + (Fast Inference from Transformers via Speculative Decoding)
- 2014 FastInfluencebasedCoarseningfor + (Fast Influence-based Coarsening for Large Networks)
- 2002 FastKernelsForStringAndTreeMatching + (Fast Kernels for String and Tree Matching)
- 2011 FastLocalitySensitiveHashing + (Fast Locality-sensitive Hashing)
- 2008 FastLogisticRegressionforTextCa + (Fast Logistic Regression for Text Categorization with Variable-length N-grams)
- 2012 FastMiningandForecastingofCompl + (Fast Mining and Forecasting of Complex Time-stamped Events)
- 2010 FastNearestNeighborSearchinDisk + (Fast Nearest-neighbor Search in Disk-resident Graphs)
- 2011 FastNonnegativeMatrixFactorizat + (Fast Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: An Active-Set-Like Method and Comparisons)
- 2010 FastOnlineLearningthroughOfflin + (Fast Online Learning through Offline Initialization for Time-sensitive Recommendation)
- 2010 FastQueryExecutionforRetrievalM + (Fast Query Execution for Retrieval Models based on Path-constrained Random Walks)
- 2006 FastRandomWalkwithRestartandIts + (Fast Random Walk with Restart and Its Applications)
- 2013 FastRank2NonnegativeMatrixFacto + (Fast Rank-2 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hierarchical Document Clustering)
- 2010 FastRegularExpressionMatchingUs + (Fast Regular Expression Matching Using Small TCAMs for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems)
- 2017 FastStochasticVarianceReducedGr + (Fast Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Method with Momentum Acceleration for Machine Learning)
- 2013 FastStructureLearninginGenerali + (Fast Structure Learning in Generalized Stochastic Processes with Latent Factors)
- 1999 FastAndEffTextMiningUsingLinTimeDocClust + (Fast and Effective Text Mining Using Linear-time Document Clustering)
- 2015 FastandMemoryEfficientSignifica + (Fast and Memory-Efficient Significant Pattern Mining via Permutation Testing)
- 2015 FastandRobustParallelSGDMatrixF + (Fast and Robust Parallel SGD Matrix Factorization)
- 2013 FastandScalablePolynomialKernel + (Fast and Scalable Polynomial Kernels via Explicit Feature Maps)
- 2003 FastMethodsForKernelBasedTextAnalysis + (Fast methods for kernel-based text analysis)
- 2001 FastSamplingofGausMarkovRand + (Fast sampling of Gaussian Markov Random Fields)
- 2004 FastDeepLinguisticStatisticalDepParsing + (Fast, Deep-linguistic Statistical Minimalist Dependency Parsing)
- 2013 FastMinimizationAlgorithmsforRo + (Fast-minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition)
- 2017 FastQAASimpleandEfficientNeural + (FastQA: A Simple and Efficient Neural Architecture for Question Answering)
- 2014 FastXMLAFastAccurateandStableTr + (FastXML: A Fast, Accurate and Stable Tree-classifier for Extreme Multi-label Learning)
- 2008 FastanovaAnEfficientAlgorithmfo + (Fastanova: An Efficient Algorithm for Genome-wide Association Study)
- 2023 FasterSortingAlgorithmsDiscover + (Faster Sorting Algorithms Discovered Using Deep Reinforcement Learning)
- 2017 FeUdalNetworksforHierarchicalRe + (FeUdal Networks for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning)
- 2013 FeaFinerBiomarkerIdentification + (FeaFiner: Biomarker Identification from Medical Data through Feature Generalization and Selection)