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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2010 ExtractingSequencesfromtheWeb + (Extracting Sequences from the Web)
- 2008 ExtractingSharedSubspaceforMult + (Extracting Shared Subspace for Multi-label Classification)
- 2013 ExtractingSocialEventsforLearni + (Extracting Social Events for Learning Better Information Diffusion Models)
- 2004 ExtractingSocialNetworks + (Extracting Social Networks and Contact Information from Email and the Web)
- 2011 ExtSructKnowFromROMTexDataInSoftRepos + (Extracting Structured Knowledge From ROM Textual Data In Software Repositories)
- 2003 ExtractingSynonymousGeneProteinTerms + (Extracting Synonymous Gene and Protein Terms from Biological Literature)
- 2010 ExtractingTemporalSignaturesfor + (Extracting Temporal Signatures for Comprehending Systems Biology Models)
- 2008 ExtractingandComposingRobustFea + (Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders)
- 2009 ExtractingAndManagingStructuredWebData + (Extracting and Managing Structured Web Data)
- 2007 ExtractingandUsingAttributeValu + (Extracting and Using Attribute-Value Pairs from Product Descriptions on the Web)
- 2006 ExtrOfGenDisRelsFromMedlineUsingDomDictsAndML + (Extraction of Gene-Disease Relations from Medline Using Domain Dictionaries and Machine Learning)
- 2008 ExtOfSemaBiomedicalRelFromTextUsingCondRandomFields + (Extraction of semantic Biomedical Relations From Text Using Conditional Random Fields)
- 2011 ExtractionSelRankofFieldAssnFATefromDomain... + (Extraction, Selection and Ranking of Field Association (FA) Terms from Domain-specific Corpora for Building a Comprehensive FA terms dictionary)
- 2015 ExtremeStatesDistributionDecomp + (Extreme States Distribution Decomposition Method for Search Engine Online Evaluation)
- 2009 FACTORIEProbabilisticProgrammin + (FACTORIE: Probabilistic Programming via Imperatively Defined Factor Graphs.)
- 2014 FASTPPRScalingPersonalizedPager + (FAST-PPR: Scaling Personalized Pagerank Estimation for Large Graphs)
- 2008 FASTaRocbasedFeatureSelectionMe + (FAST: A Roc-based Feature Selection Metric for Small Samples and Imbalanced Data Classification Problems)
- 1996 FASTUS + (FASTUS: A Cascaded Finite-State Transducer for Extracting Information from Natural-Language Text)
- 1993 FASTUS + (FASTUS: A Finite-state Processor for Information Extraction from Real-world Text)
- 2014 FBLGASimpleandEffectiveApproach + (FBLG: A Simple and Effective Approach for Temporal Dependence Discovery from Time Series Data)
- 2014 FEMAFlexibleEvolutionaryMultiFa + (FEMA: Flexible Evolutionary Multi-faceted Analysis for Dynamic Behavioral Pattern Discovery)
- 2013 FISMFactoredItemSimilarityModel + (FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for Top-N Recommender Systems)
- 2011 FREyAAnInteractiveWayofQuerying + (FREyA: An Interactive Way of Querying Linked Data Using Natural Language)
- 2008 FRILaToolForComparRecordLinkage + (FRIL: A Tool for Comparative Record Linkage)
- 2014 FUNNELAutomaticMiningofSpatiall + (FUNNEL: Automatic Mining of Spatially Coevolving Epidemics)
- 2009 FURIAAnAlgorithmforUnorderedFuz + (FURIA: An Algorithm for Unordered Fuzzy Rule Induction)
- 2013 FabricatedTheNewWorldof3DPrinti + (Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing)
- 2015 FacetsFastComprehensiveMiningof + (Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Coevolving High-order Time Series)
- 1995 FacingUptotheProblemofConscious + (Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness)
- 2009 FactOrientApplToDevAFlexEmpBenSys + (Fact-Orientation Applied to Develop a Flexible Employment Benefits System)
- 2018 FactfulnessTenReasonsWereWrongA + (Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World -- and Why Things Are Better Than You Think)
- 2012 FactoringPastExposureinDisplayA + (Factoring Past Exposure in Display Advertising Targeting)
- 2010 FactorizationMachines + (Factorization Machines)
- 2016 FactorizationMeetstheItemEmbedd + (Factorization Meets the Item Embedding: Regularizing Matrix Factorization with Item Co-occurrence)
- 2008 FactorizationMeetstheNeighborho + (Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: A Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model)
- 2014 FactorizedSparseLearningModelsw + (Factorized Sparse Learning Models with Interpretable High Order Feature Interactions)
- 2018 FactorsAssociatedwithClinicalTr + (Factors Associated with Clinical Trials That Fail and Opportunities for Improving the Likelihood of Success: A Review)
- 1957 FactorsRelevanttotheVal... + (Factors Relevant to the Validity of Experiments in Social Settings)
- 2005 FairnessandRedistribution + (Fairness and Redistribution)
- 2015 FaitCrowdFineGrainedTruthDiscov + (FaitCrowd: Fine Grained Truth Discovery for Crowdsourced Data Aggregation)
- 2020 FalseAlarmHowClimateChangePanic + (False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet)
- 2024 FalsePositivesinABTests + (False Positives in A/B Tests)
- 1874 FarfromtheMaddingCrowd + (Far from the Madding Crowd)
- 2012 FastAlgorithmsforComprehensiveN + (Fast Algorithms for Comprehensive N-point Correlation Estimates)
- 2012 FastAlgorithmsforMaximalCliqueE + (Fast Algorithms for Maximal Clique Enumeration with Limited Memory)
- 2011 FastApproximateSimilaritySearch + (Fast Approximate Similarity Search based on Degree-reduced Neighborhood Graphs)
- 2009 FastApproximateSpectralClusteri + (Fast Approximate Spectral Clustering)
- 2012 FastBregmanDivergenceNMFUsingTa + (Fast Bregman Divergence NMF Using Taylor Expansion and Coordinate Descent)
- 2011 FastClusteringUsingMapReduce + (Fast Clustering Using MapReduce)
- 2008 FastCollapsedGibbsSamplingforLa + (Fast Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
- 2008 FastComputationofMoorePenroseIn + (Fast Computation of Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrices)