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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2015 AutomaticPersonalityAssessmentt + (Automatic Personality Assessment through Social Media Language.)
- 2004 AutomaticPronominalAnaphoraReso + (Automatic Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in English Texts.)
- 2017 AutomaticQuestionAnsweringUsing + (Automatic Question Answering Using A Deep Similarity Neural Network)
- 2000 AutomaticRecogOfMultiWordTerms + (Automatic Recognition of Multi-Word Terms: The Cvalue/NC-value method)
- 1994 AutomaticRecogOfVerbalPolysemy + (Automatic Recognition of Verbal Polysemy)
- 2008 AutomaticRecordLinkageUsingSeed + (Automatic Record Linkage Using Seeded Nearest Neighbour and Support Vector Machine Classification)
- 2005 AutoRelExtWModelOrderSelAndDiscrLabelId + (Automatic Relation Extraction with Model Order Selection and Discriminative Label Identification)
- 1998 AutomaticRetrAndClustOfSimWords + (Automatic Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words)
- 2013 AutomaticSelectionofSocialMedia + (Automatic Selection of Social Media Responses to News)
- 2015 AutomaticSemanticAnnotationforA + (Automatic Semantic Annotation for Abstracts of Scientific Discourses)
- 2005 AutoSemExtrInLawDocs + (Automatic Semantics Extraction In Law Documents)
- 1986 AutoSenseDisambig + (Automatic Sense Disambiguation Uusing Machine Readable Dictionaries: How to tell a pine cone from a ice cream cone)
- 2019 AutomaticSmartContractGeneratio + (Automatic Smart Contract Generation Using Controlled Natural Language and Template)
- 2018 AutomaticSpellingCorrectionforR + (Automatic Spelling Correction for Resource-Scarce Languages Using Deep Learning)
- 1999 AutomaticSubspClustOfHighDimData + (Automatic Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data for Data Mining Applications)
- 2001 AutomaticSummarization + (Automatic Summarization)
- 2004 AutomaticTaggingofArabicTextFro + (Automatic Tagging of Arabic Text: From Raw Text to Base Phrase Chunks)
- 2012 AutomaticTaxonomyConstructionfr + (Automatic Taxonomy Construction from Keywords)
- 2008 AutomaticTimeSeriesForecasting + (Automatic Time Series Forecasting: the forecast package for R)
- 1998 AutomaticWordSenseDiscrimination + (Automatic Word Sense Discrimination)
- 1998 AutomaticWSDiscrimination + (Automatic Word Sense Discrimination)
- 2011 AutomaticWrapforLarScaWebExt + (Automatic Wrappers for Large Scale Web Extraction)
- 2004 AutomaticWriterIdentification + (Automatic Writer Identification Using Connected-Component Contours and Edge-based Features of Uppercase Western Script)
- 2005 AutoAnnotDocsWithNormalizedGeneLists + (Automatically Annotating Documents with Normalized Gene Lists)
- 1993 AutoConstrADictForIETasks + (Automatically Constructing a Dictionary for Information Extraction Tasks)
- 2009 AutomaticallyFindingPatchesUsin + (Automatically Finding Patches Using Genetic Programming)
- 2010 AutomaticallyGeneratingTermFreq + (Automatically Generating Term-frequency-induced Taxonomies)
- 2008 AutomaticallyHarvestAndOntologSemRels + (Automatically Harvesting and Ontologizing Semantic Relations)
- 2004 AutomaticallyInducingOntologiesFromCorpora + (Automatically Inducing Ontologies From Corpora)
- 2008 AutomaticallyRefTheWikipedIboxOnt + (Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology)
- 2011 AutomaticallyTaggingEmailbyLeve + (Automatically Tagging Email by Leveraging Other Users' Folders)
- 2008 AutomatingCurationUsingANLPpipeline + (Automating Curation Using a Natural Language Processing Pipeline)
- 2012 AutomatingScientificDiscovery + (Automating Scientific Discovery)
- 2000 AutomatingTheConstrOfIntPortalsWithML + (Automating the Construction of Internet Portals with Machine Learning)
- 1997 AutonomousDiscovOfRelExceptRules + (Autonomous Discovery of Reliable Exception Rules)
- 2007 AutonomouslySemantifyingWikipedia + (Autonomously Semantifying Wikipedia)
- 2010 AverageCharacteristicPolynomial + (Average Characteristic Polynomials for Multiple Orthogonal Polynomial Ensembles)
- 2011 AxiomaticRankingofNetworkRoleSi + (Axiomatic Ranking of Network Role Similarity)
- 2010 BART BayesianAdditiveRegression + (BART _ Bayesian Additive Regression Trees)
- 2008 BARTAModularToolkitforCoreferen + (BART: A Modular Toolkit for Coreference Resolution)
- 2009 BBMBayesianBrowsingModelfromPet + (BBM: Bayesian Browsing Model from Petabyte-scale Data)
- 1995 BDIAgentsFromTheorytoPractice + (BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice)
- 2019 BERT4RecSequentialRecommendatio + (BERT4Rec: Sequential Recommendation with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer)
- 2019 BERTPreTrainingofDeepBidirectio + (BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding)
- 2009 BGPLensPatternsandAnomaliesinIn + (BGP-lens: Patterns and Anomalies in Internet Routing Updates)
- 2005 ProbModelsWithUnknownObjects + (BLOG: Probabilistic Models With Unknown Objects)
- 2005 BLOGProbabilisticModelswithUnkn + (BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects)
- 2020 BPEDropoutSimpleandEffectiveSub + (BPE-Dropout: Simple and Effective Subword Regularization)
- 2018 BPEmbTokenizationFreePreTrained + (BPEmb: Tokenization-free Pre-trained Subword Embeddings in 275 Languages)
- 2009 BPRBayesianPersonalizedRankingf + (BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback)
- 2012 BRATAWebbasedToolforNLPAssisted + (BRAT: A Web-based Tool for NLP-assisted Text Annotation)