Social Choice Theory

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A Social Choice Theory is a decision theory that covers social choices.



  1. Amartya Sen, 2008. “social choice,". The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, Abstract & TOC.
  2. For example, in Kenneth J. Arrow, 1951, Social Choice and Individual Values, ch. II, section 2, A Notation for Preferences and Choice, and ch. III, "The Social Welfare Function".
  3. Walter Bossert and John A. Weymark, 2008. “social choice (new developments)," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, Abstract & TOC.
  4. Basu Kaushik and Luis F. Lòpez-Calva, 2011. “Functionings and Capabilities," Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, v. 2, pp. 153-187. Abstract.
  5. Claude d'Aspremont and Louis Gevers, 2002. “Social Welfare Functionals and Interpersonal Comparability," Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, v. 1, ch. 10, pp. 459–541. Abstract.
  6. • Amartya Sen[1987] 2008. “justice," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract & TOC.
     • Bertil Tungodden, 2008. “justice (new perspectives)," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
     • Louis Kaplow, 2008. “Pareto principle and competing principles," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
     • Amartya K. Sen, 1970 [1984]. Collective Choice and Social Welfare (description):
        ch. 9, "Equity and Justice," pp. 131-51.
        ch. 9*, "Impersonality and Collective Quasi-Orderings," pp. 152-160.
     • Kenneth J. Arrow, 1983. Collected Papers, v. 1, Social Choice and Justice. Description, contents, and chapter-preview links.
     • Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert, and David Donaldson, 2002. “Utilitarianism and the Theory of Justice, Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, v. 1, ch. 11, pp. 543–596. Abstract.
  7. Bhaskar Dutta, 2002. Inequality, Poverty and Welfare, Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, ch. 12, pp. 597–633. Abstract.