Sentence Classification Algorithm

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A Sentence Classification Algorithm is a text-item classification algorithm that can be implemented into a sentence classification system to solve a sentence classification task.



  • (Zhang & Wallace, 2015) ⇒ Ye Zhang, and Byron Wallace. (2015). “A Sensitivity Analysis of (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.03820. [1]
    • NOTE: It explores the effectiveness of convolutional neural networks in sentence classification, questioning the utility of one-hot CNN models and discussing their potential limitations in such tasks.


  • (Hassan & Mahmood, 2018) ⇒ Abdalraouf Hassan, and Ausif Mahmood. (2018). “Convolutional Recurrent Deep Learning Model for Sentence Classification.” In: IEEE Access. [2]
    • NOTE: This paper introduces a hybrid model combining convolutional and recurrent neural networks for sentence classification, highlighting its significance in the domain of natural language processing and sentiment analysis.


  • (Wieting & Kiela, 2019) ⇒ John Wieting, and Douwe Kiela. (2019). “No Training Required: Exploring Random Encoders for Sentence Classification.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10444. [3]
    • NOTE: This study investigates the use of random encoders in generating sentence representations, focusing on the potential of leveraging pre-trained word embeddings without further training for sentence classification.


  • (Kim, 2014) ⇒ Yoon Kim. (2014). “Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5882. [4]
    • NOTE: This seminal work by Yoon Kim examines the application of convolutional neural networks for sentence classification, demonstrating the effectiveness of CNNs trained on pre-trained word vectors for various sentence-level tasks.