Sales Pitch
A Sales Pitch is an act of persuasion that facilitates sales transactions (through value propositions and buyer engagement).
- AKA: Sales Presentation, Sales Talk.
- Context:
- Core Approaches:
- It can (typically) present Value Propositions through benefit communication.
- It can (typically) identify Customer Needs through need analysis.
- It can (typically) create Problem Awareness through situation assessment.
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- Process Elements:
- It can (often) establish Initial Connection through rapport building.
- It can (often) conduct Need Discovery through strategic questioning.
- It can (often) deliver Solution Presentation through value demonstration.
- It can (often) handle Objections through concern resolution.
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- Range Variations:
- It can range from being a Simple Sales Pitch to being a Complex Sales Pitch, depending on its solution complexity.
- It can range from being a Product-Focused Pitch to being a Solution-Focused Pitch, depending on its selling approach.
- It can range from being a Short-Term Transaction to being a Long-Term Partnership, depending on its relationship scope.
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- Selling Styles:
- It can employ Value-Added Selling through feature highlighting.
- It can utilize Solution-Based Selling through need matching.
- It can implement Problem Creation Selling through awareness development.
- ...
- Success Factors:
- It can require Audience Understanding for message relevance.
- It can need Clear Communication for value articulation.
- It can demand Credibility Building for trust establishment.
- It can involve Timing Management for engagement optimization.
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- Engagement Methods:
- It can have Question Sequences for buyer discovery.
- It can have Demonstration Techniques for proof provision.
- It can have Story Structures for emotional connection.
- It can have Close Strategys for commitment securing.
- ...
- Examples:
- Direct Sales Pitches, such as:
- Value-Added Sales Pitches emphasizing product features.
- Solution-based Sales Pitches focusing on customer needs.
- Problem Creation Sales Pitches developing need awareness.
- ...
- Context-Specific Pitches, such as:
- Specialized Pitches, such as:
- Direct Sales Pitches, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Apology Statement, which seeks forgiveness rather than sale.
- Information Presentation, which lacks sales intent.
- Status Report, which provides update without persuasion goal.
- Casual Conversation, which misses commercial purpose.
- See: Job Interview, Sales Presentation, Selling Technique, Customer Engagement, Value Proposition, Sales Process.
- QUOTE: ... three selling styles that are typically used by the standard salesperson – one of which is the most desired.
The first is known as value added selling where a candidate attempts to create interest by highlighting the various features of the product which make it desirable. ...
The next evolution in this method is solution based selling – where a candidate successfully asks me questions about what I look for in a pen, if I have any problems with my current writing apparatus to build the case for this pen to solve my needs. ...
This is why it is important to find reps who demonstrate the third technique – problem creation. Instead of asking open questions, they establish a clear ‘ladder’ for buyers to follow using questions which place the prospect in a mental state where they begin to feel a problem they didn’t realise they had originally. Ultimately the buyer arrives at a pre-set conclusion which the sales representative has orchestrated. ...
- QUOTE: ... three selling styles that are typically used by the standard salesperson – one of which is the most desired.