Ruslan Salakhutdinov
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Ruslan Salakhutdinov is a person.
- See: Feature Compression Algorithm, Matrix Factorization Algorithm, Restricted Boltzmann Machine, Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization.
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- (Dai et al., 2019) ⇒ Zihang Dai, Zhilin Yang, Yiming Yang, Jaime G. Carbonell, Quoc V. Le, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2019). “Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context.” In: arXiv, abs/1901.02860.
- (Tsai et al., 2019) ⇒ Yao-Hung Hubert Tsai, Shaojie Bai, Paul Pu Liang, J Zico Kolter, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2019). “Multimodal Transformer for Unaligned Multimodal Language Sequences.” In: Proceedings of the conference. Association for Computational Linguistics. Meeting. doi:10.18653/v1/p19-1656
- (Yang, Dai et al., 2019) ⇒ Zhilin Yang, Zihang Dai, Yiming Yang, Jaime Carbonell, Russ R. Salakhutdinov, and Quoc V. Le. (2019). “Xlnet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 32.
- (Yang, Dai et al., 2018) ⇒ Zhilin Yang, Zihang Dai, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and William W. Cohen. (2018). “Breaking the Softmax Bottleneck: A High-rank RNN Language Model.” In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR-2018).
- (Yang et al., 2017) ⇒ Zichao Yang, Zhiting Hu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick. (2017). “Improved Variational Autoencoders for Text Modeling Using Dilated Convolutions.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.08139
- (Kiros et al., 2015) ⇒ Ryan Kiros, Yukun Zhu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Richard S. Zemel, Antonio Torralba, Raquel Urtasun, and Sanja Fidler. (2015). “Skip-thought Vectors.” In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-2015).
- (Srivastava et al., 2014) ⇒ Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2014). “Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting.” In: The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1).
- (Hinton et al., 2012) ⇒ Geoffrey E. Hinton, Nitish Srivastava, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan R. Salakhutdinov. (2012). “Improving Neural Networks by Preventing Co-adaptation of Feature Detectors.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.0580
- (Wallach et al., 2009) ⇒ Hanna M. Wallach, Iain Murray, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and David Mimno. (2009). “Evaluation Methods for Topic Models.” In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning.
- (Salakhutdinov & Mnih, 2008) ⇒ Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Andriy Mnih. (2008). “Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization using Markov chain Monte Carlo.” In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Machine learning (ICML 2008).
- (Mnih & Salakhutdinov, 2007) ⇒ Andriy Mnih, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2007). “Probabilistic Matrix Factorization.” In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
- (Salakhutdinov et al., 2007) ⇒ Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Andriy Mnih, and Geoffrey Hinton. (2007). “Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Collaborative Filtering.” In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine learning, pp. 791-798 . ACM,
- (Hinton & Salakhutdinov, 2006) ⇒ Geoffrey E. Hinton, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2006). “Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks.” In: Science, 313(5786). doi:10.1126/science.1127647
- (Goldberger et al., 2004) ⇒ Jacob Goldberger, Sam Roweis, Geoff Hinton, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2004). “Neighbourhood Components Analysis.".