Rich Text Editor Framework
A Rich Text Editor Framework is a editor framework designed to facilitate the development of rich text editors.
- Context:
- It can allow developers to add complex text editing features such as text formatting, hyperlink insertion, image embedding, and list creation to their applications.
- It can (often) provide a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface, making it easier for end-users to format text without the knowledge of HTML or markup languages.
- It can support a Plugin Architecture, enabling adding custom functionalities and integrations.
- It can be designed to work across multiple platforms and browsers, ensuring a consistent user experience.
- It can include collaborative editing features, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously.
- It can offer various levels of customization, from simple toolbar modifications to complex behavior and layout changes.
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- Example(s):
- Slate Framework: A customizable framework that offers a plugin-first architecture and is designed to integrate seamlessly with React.
- Quill Framework: A powerful, cross-platform editor that provides granular access to the editor's content, changes, and events.
- Draft.js Framework: Developed by Facebook, this React-based framework is known for its clean and simple API.
- CKEditor Framework: A feature-rich editor that has been around for years, offering many plugins and customization options.
- TinyMCE Framework: A widely used editor that provides a rich editing experience out of the box, with extensive plugin support.
- ProseMirror Framework: A toolkit for building rich text editors focusing on custom document models and collaborative editing.
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- Counter-Example(s):
- Plain text editor: A simple editor that allows for basic text input without formatting options.
- Code editor: Specialized editors designed for coding, offering syntax highlighting and other features for software development, but not for rich text formatting.
- See: WYSIWYG editor, content management system, web development tools, collaborative software, plugin architecture.