Resilient System

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A Resilient System is a system that can maintain its core functionality and performance in the face of internal failures or external disturbances, often through a combination of redundancy, flexibility, and self-correction mechanisms.

  • Context:
    • It can withstand and recover from unexpected shocks, disruptions, or changes in its operating environment, ensuring that it continues to perform its essential functions.
    • It can (often) employ Redundancy, Diversity, and Modularity to enhance its ability to absorb and adapt to disturbances, reducing the impact of localized failures.
    • It can utilize Feedback Loops and Adaptive Mechanisms to continuously monitor and adjust its state based on internal and external conditions.
    • It can often continue functioning, albeit potentially at a reduced capacity, even when some of its components fail, ensuring minimal disruption to overall operations.
    • It can range from being a Physical Resilient System (e.g., infrastructure designed to withstand natural disasters) to a Computational Resilient System (e.g., distributed network]]s that re-route data).
    • It can aim to balance efficiency with the ability to withstand and recover from various types of stress or failure, maintaining a trade-off between performance and resilience.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • Self-Correcting Systems that proactively adjusts to maintain stability.
    • Ecological Systems with high biodiversity that can maintain overall ecosystem function despite the loss of certain species, ensuring long-term stability and resilience.
    • Distributed Computer Networks that can route data through alternative paths when some nodes fail, maintaining communication even during partial system outages.
    • Social Support Systems that provide multiple avenues for individuals to receive assistance during crises, such as public health system]]s that include both hospitals and community support networks.
    • Financial Portfolios diversified across various asset classes to withstand market volatility, protecting against localized economic shocks.
    • Smart Grid Systems that can isolate faulty sections and reroute power to minimize blackouts, ensuring a continuous supply even under failure conditions.
    • Urban Planning Designs that incorporate green spaces, diverse transportation options, and flexible zoning to withstand and adapt to environmental, social, and economic changes.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
    • Brittle Systems that fail completely when subjected to stress or unexpected conditions, lacking the ability to adapt or absorb shocks.
    • Highly Optimized Systems that prioritize efficiency over adaptability, often leading to catastrophic failures under unusual circumstances.
    • Monoculture Agricultural Systems that are vulnerable to widespread failure from a single type of pest or disease, demonstrating low resilience due to lack of diversity.
    • Centralized Systems that rely heavily on a single point of control, making them vulnerable to cascading failures if the central node is compromised.
    • Single-Mode Systems that operate under fixed conditions without the flexibility to adjust to changes in the environment or context.
  • See: Adaptive System, Self-Correcting System, Robust System, Antifragile System, System Redundancy, Hierarchical System
