ROSS Intelligence

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A ROSS Intelligence (2014-2020) is an AI-powered legal research platform that assists lawyers in finding relevant legal precedents and documents efficiently.





  • (Von Simson, 2019) ⇒ Charlie von Simson (2019). "How ROSS AI Turns Legal Research On Its Head". In: ROSS Intelligence Blog.
    • QUOTE: The traditional platforms like Westlaw and Lexis governed the way many of us learned to do legal research. We were taught in law school to start with broad searches and systematically narrow them down, inefficiently navigating an upside-down research pyramid. Not surprisingly, that approach was heavily dependent on using the legacy platformsproprietary materials.(...).

      Unlike legacy systems, ROSS takes you directly to the best cases to support your argument. ROSS ranking and retrieval algorithms replace the curation function of secondary sources to provide you with the correct universe of relevant cases in response to your first natural language query. The system is also dynamically indexed to respond to your research queries rather than relying on an inflexible cadre of human editors. Once you have reviewed the most relevant cases you can then expand your search if you need more context. The result is far more productive research that your clients won’t hesitate to pay for.