2023 GorillaLargeLanguageModelConnec

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Subject Headings: Coding LLM, Gorilla LLM, LLaMA-based Model.


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Large Language Models (LLMs) have seen an impressive wave of advances recently, with models now excelling in a variety of tasks, such as mathematical reasoning and program synthesis. However, their potential to effectively use tools via API calls remains unfulfilled. This is a challenging task even for today's state-of-the-art LLMs such as GPT-4, largely due to their inability to generate accurate input arguments and their tendency to hallucinate the wrong usage of an API call. We release Gorilla, a fine-tuned LLaMA-based model that surpasses the performance of GPT-4 on writing API calls. When combined with a document retriever, Gorilla demonstrates a strong capability to adapt to test-time document changes, enabling flexible user updates or version changes. It also substantially mitigates the issue of hallucination, commonly encountered when prompting LLMs directly. To evaluate the model's ability, we introduce APIBench, a comprehensive dataset consisting of HuggingFace, TorchHub, and TensorHub APIs. The successful integration of the retrieval system with Gorilla demonstrates the potential for LLMs to use tools more accurately, keep up with frequently updated documentation, and consequently increase the reliability and applicability of their outputs. Gorilla's code, model, data, and demo are available at this https URL

1 Introduction

Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) 10, 5, 32, 6, 29, 30 have enabled significant new capabilities including natural dialogue, mathematical reasoning, and program synthesis. However, despite these advances, LLMs are still fundamentally limited by the information they can store in a fixed set of weights and the things they can compute using a static computation graph and limited context. Furthermore, as the world changes, LLMs require retraining to update their knowledge and reasoning capabilities.

By empowering LLMs to use tools 33, we can grant access to vastly larger and changing knowledge bases and accomplish complex computational tasks. By providing access to search technologies and databases, 26, 39, 37 demonstrated that we can augment LLMs to address a significantly larger and more dynamic knowledge space. Similarly, by providing access to computational tools, 39, 2 demonstrated that LLMs can accomplish complex computational tasks. Consequently, leading LLM providers29, have started to integrate plugins to allow LLMs to invoke external tools through APIs.

This transition from a small set of hand-coded tools, to the ability to invoke a vast space of changing cloud APIs could transform LLMs into the primary interface to computing infrastructure and the web. Tasks ranging from booking an entire vacation to hosting a conference, could become as simple as talking to an LLM that has access to the flight, car rental, hotel, catering, and entertainment web APIs. However, much of the prior work 35, 24 integrating tools into LLMs considered a small well documented set of APIs that can be easily injected into the prompt.

Supporting a web scale collection of potentially millions of changing APIs requires rethinking our approach to how we integrate tools. It is not longer possible to describe the full set of APIs in a single context. Many of the APIs will have overlapping functionality with nuanced limitations and constraints. Simply evaluating LLMs in this new setting requires new benchmarks.

In this paper, we explore the use of self-instruct fine-tuning and retrieval to enable LLMs to accurately select from a large, overlapping, and changing set tools expressed using their APIs and API documentation. We construct, APIBench, a large corpus of APIs with complex and often overlapping functionality by scraping ML APIs (models) from public model hubs. We choose three major model hubs for dataset construction: TorchHub, TensorHub and HuggingFace. We exhaustively include every API call in TorchHub (94 API calls) and TensorHub (696 API calls); For HuggingFace, since the models come in a large number and lots of the models don’t have a specification, we choose the most downloaded 20 models per task category (in a total of 925). We also generate 10 synthetic user question prompts per API using Self-Instruct 42. Thus, each entry in the dataset becomes an instruction reference API pair. We adopt a common AST sub-tree matching technique to evaluate the functional correctness of the generated API. We first parse the generated code into an AST tree, then find a sub-tree whose root node is the API call that we care about (e.g., torch.hub.load) and use it to index our dataset. We check the functional correctness and hallucination problem for the LLMs, reporting the corresponding accuracy.

We then finetune Gorilla, a LLaMA-7B-based model with document retrieval using our dataset. We find that Gorilla significantly outperforms GPT-4 in terms of API functionality accuracy as well as reducing hallucination errors. We show an example output in Fig. 1. Further, our retrieval-aware training of Gorilla enables the model to adapt to changes in the API documentation. Finally, we demonstrate Gorilla’s ability to understand and reason about constraints.

2 Related Work

Large Language Models

Recent strides in the field of LLMs have renovated many downstream domains 10, 40, 48, 47, not only in traditional natural language processing tasks but also in program synthesis. Many of these advances are achieved by augmenting pre-trained LLMs by prompting 44, 14 and instruction fine-tuning 11, 31, 43, 15. Recent open-sourced models like LLaMa 40, Alpaca 38, and Vicuna 9 have furthered the understanding of LLMs and facilitated their experimentation. While our approach, Gorilla, incorporates techniques akin to those mentioned, its primary emphasis is on enhancing the LLMs’ ability to utilize millions of tools, as opposed to refining their conversational skills. Additionally, we pioneer the study of fine-tuning a base model by supplementing it with information retrieval - a first, to the best of our knowledge.

Tool Usage

The discussion of tool usage within LLMs has seen an upsurge, with models like Toolformer taking the lead 33, 19, 21, 26. Tools often incorporated include web-browsing 34, calculators 12, 39, translation systems 39, and Python interpreters 14. While these efforts can be seen as preliminary explorations of marrying LLMs with tool usage, they generally focus on specific tools. Our paper, in contrast, aims to explore a vast array of tools (i.e., API calls) in an open-ended fashion, potentially covering a wide range of applications. With the recent launch of Toolformer 33 and GPT-4 29, the importance of API calls has been highlighted, encouraging many works in employing API calls as tooling 35, 24. Moreover, the application of API calls in robotics has been explored to some extent 41, 1. However, these works primarily aim at showcasing the potential of “prompting” LLMs rather than establishing a systematic method for evaluation and training (including fine-tuning). Our work, on the other hand, concentrates on systematic evaluation and building a pipeline for future use.

LLMs for Program Synthesis

Harnessing LLMs for program synthesis has historically been a challenging task (Li et al., 2022), (Chen et al., 2021), (Xu et al., 2022), (Jain et al., 2022), (Devlin et al., 2017), (Lachaux et al., 2020). Researchers have proposed an array of strategies to prompt LLMs to perform better in coding tasks, including in-context learning (Wei et al., 2022), (Kojima et al., 2022), (Chen et al., 2021), task decomposition (Kim et al., 2023), (Yao et al., 2022), and self-debugging (Chen et al., 2023), (Shinn et al., 2023). Besides prompting, there have also been efforts to pretrain language models specifically for code generation (Nijkamp et al., 2022), (Li et al., 2023), (Nijkamp et al., 2023).

However, these strategies focus on prompting large language models or pre-training them for general program synthesis. In our research, in contrast, we focus on a much restricted domain: the synthesis of linear programs using API calls. General program synthesis, not only is complex, but is also hard to verify and evaluate. API calls, on the other hand, function more like tool usage. This allows the LLM to significantly expand its capabilities without grappling with low-level implementation details.


4 Evaluation

We carried out an array of experiments on our collected dataset, benchmarking our model Gorilla with other models, and exploring how different retrieval methods may impact the performance of the model in making API calls. We then demonstrate that Gorilla can easily adapt to test-time changes in API documentation. In addition, we assess Gorilla’s ability to reason about API calls under constraints. Lastly, we examined how integrating different retrieval methods during training influences the model’s final performance.


Primarily, we compare Gorilla with state-of-the-art language models in a zero-shot setting. The models under consideration include: GPT-4 by OpenAI, we use the gpt-4-0314 checkpoint; GPT-3.5-turbo with the gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 checkpoint, both of which are RLHF-tuned model specifically designed for conversation; Claude with claude-v1 checkpoint, a language model by Anthropic, renowned for its lengthy context capabilities; LLaMA-7B, a large language model by Meta and the finest open-source model to date.


The term Zero-shot (abbreviated as 0-shot in tables) refers to scenarios where no retriever is used. The sole input to the model is the user’s natural language prompt. For BM25, we consider each API as a separate document. During retrieval, we use the user’s query to search the index and fetch the most relevant (top-1) API. This API is concatenated with the user’s prompt to query the LLMs. Similarly, GPT-Index refers to the retrieval model text-davinci-003 from OpenAI. Like BM25, each API call is indexed as an individual document, and the most relevant document, given a user query, is retrieved and appended to the user prompt. Lastly, we include an Oracle retriever, which serves two purposes: first, to identify the potential for performance improvement through more efficient retrievers, and second, to assist users who know which API to use but may need to help invoking it. In all cases, when a retriever is used, it is appended to the user’s prompt as follows: <user_prompt> Use this API documentation for reference: <retrieved_API_doc_JSON>. The dataset for these evaluations is detailed in Sec 3. We emphasize that we have maintained a holdout test set on which we report our findings. The holdout test set was created by dividing the self-instruct dataset’s instruction, API pairs into training and testing sets.

4.1 AST Accuracy on API call

We first demonstrate the results for the AST accuracy for different models. We present the results in Tab. 1. We test each model for different retriever settings defined above. We report the overall accuracy, the error by hallucination and the error by selecting wrong API call. Note that for TorchHub and TensorHub, we evaluate all the models using AST tree accuracy score. However, for HuggingFace, since the dataset is not exhaustive, for all the models except Gorilla, we only check if they can provide the correct domain names. So this problem reduces to picking one of the multiple choices.

Finetuning without Retrieval

In Tab. 1 we show that lightly fine-tuned Gorilla gets the state-of-the-art performance zero-shot over all the models, 20.43% better than GPT-4 and 10.75% better than ChatGPT. When compared to other open-source models LLAMA, the improvement is as big as 83%. his suggests quantitatively, that finetuning is better than retrieval, at-least in our scope.

In addition, we found that finetuning without retriever and putting ground truth retriever in evaluation time rarely helps the performance: 0.88% worse in TensorHub and 0.97% better in HuggingFace. If we put BM25 or GPT-Index as retriever, results will be significantly dropped: 21.50% in Torch Hub and 47.57% in HuggingFace. The result illustrates that adding a non-optimal retriever at test time will sometime misguide the model and result in more errors. We will discuss an interesting ablation on how finetuning with the retriever will help the performance in the next paragraph.

Finetuning with Retrieval

We now discuss an interesting experiment on how finetuning language with retriever incorporated is helping the performance. The settings for this experiment are finetuning the base LLAMA with the prompt (instruction generated), reference API document (from golden- truth oracle), and the example output generated by GPT-4. In Tab. 2, we can see that incorporating ground truth retriever in the finetuning pipeline achieves significantly better results 12.37% better than training without retriever in Torch Hub and 23.46% better in HuggingFace. However, we found that at evaluation time, current retrievers still have a big gap between the ground truth retriever: using GPT-Index at evaluation results in 29.20% accuracy degradation, and using BM25 results in a 52.27% accuracy degradation. Nevertheless, we can still conclude that with a better retriever, finetuning with retriever is still a better method to adopt while in another scenario, when a good retriever is not available, zero-shot finetuning might be the preferred choice.

Hallucination with LLM

One phenomenon we observe is that zero-shot prompting with LLMs (GPT-4/GPT-3.5) to call APIs results in dire hallucination errors. These errors, while diverse, commonly manifest in erroneous behavior such as the model invoking the "Auto- Model.from_pretrained(dir_name)" command with arbitrary GitHub repository names. Surprisingly, we also found that in TorchHub, HuggingFace and TensorFlow Hub, GPT-3.5 has less hallucination errors than GPT-4. This finding is also consistent for the settings when various retrieving methods are provided: 0-shot, BM25, GPT-Index and the oracle. This might suggest that RLHF plays a central role in turning the model to be truthful. Additional examples and discussion are in Appendix.

4.2 Test-Time Documentation Change

The rapidly evolving nature of API documentation presents a significant challenge for the application of LLMs in this field. These documents are often updated at a frequency that outpaces the re- training or fine-tuning schedule of LLMs, making these models particularly brittle to changes in the information they are designed to process. This mismatch in update frequency can lead to a decline in the utility and reliability of LLMs over time.

However, with the introduction of Gorilla’s retriever-aware training, we can readily adapt to changes in API documentation. This novel approach allows the model to remain updated and relevant, even as the API documentation it relies on undergoes modifications. This is a pivotal advancement in the field, as it ensures that the LLM maintains its efficacy and accuracy over time, providing reliable outputs irrespective of changes in the underlying documentation.

For instance, consider the scenario illustrated in Figure 6, where the training of Gorilla has al- lowed it to react effectively to changes in APIs. This includes alterations such as upgrading the FCN’s ResNet-50 backbone to ResNet-101, as demonstrated in the second column of the figure. This capability ensures that the LLM remains relevant and accurate even as the under- lying models and systems undergo upgrades and improvements. Furthermore, the third column in Figure 6 shows how Gorilla adapts to changes in the model registry from pytorch/vision to NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples:torchhub. This reflects the model’s ability to adjust to shifts in API sources, which is vital as organizations may change their preferred model registries over time. In summary, Gorilla’s ability to adapt to test-time changes in API documentation offers numerous benefits. It maintains its accuracy and relevance over time, adapts to the rapid pace of updates in API documentation, and adjusts to modifications in underlying models and systems. This makes it a robust and reliable tool for API calls, significantly enhancing its practical utility.

4.3 API Call with Constraints

We now focus on the language model’s capability of understanding constraints. For any given task, which API call to invoke is typically a tradeoff between a multitude of factors. In the case of RESTFul APIs, it could be the cost of each invocation ($), and the latency of response (ms), among others. Similarly, within the scope of ML APIs, it is desirable for Gorilla to respect constraints such as accuracy, number of learnable parameters in the model, the size on disk, peak memory consumption, FLOPS, etc. We present the underlying ablation study evaluating the ability of different models in zero-shot and with retrievers settings to respect a given accuracy constraint. This setting is best understood with an example. If the user were to ask for an Image classification model that achieves at least 80% top-1 accuracy on the Imagenet dataset, then while both are classification models hosted by Torch Hub, ResNeXt-101 32x16d with a top-1 accuracy of 84.2% would be the right model whose API to call and not, say, MobileNetV2 which has a top-1 accuracy of 71.88%.

For Table 3, we filtered a subset of the Torch Hub dataset that had accuracy defined for at least one- dataset in its model card (65.26% of TorchHub dataset in Table 1). We notice that with constraints, understandably, the accuracy drops across all models, with and without a retriever. Gorilla is able to match performance with the best-performing model GPT-3.5 when using retrievals (BM25, GPT- Index) and has the highest accuracy in the Zero-shot case. This highlights Gorilla’s ability to navigate APIs while considering the trade-offs between different constraints.

5 Conclusion

LLMs are swiftly gaining popularity across diverse domains. In our study, we spotlight techniques designed to enhance the LLM’s ability to accurately identify the appropriate API for a specific task—a significant but often overlooked aspect in the advancement of this technology. Since APIs function as a universal language enabling diverse systems to communicate effectively, their correct usage can boost the ability of LLMs to interact with tools in the wider world. In this paper, we propose Gorilla, a new novel pipeline for finetuning LLMs to call APIs. The finetuned model’s performance surpasses prompting the state-of-the-art LLM (GPT-4) in three massive datasets we collected. Gorilla generates reliable API calls to ML models without hallucination, demonstrates an impressive capability to adapt to test-time API usage changes, and can satisfy constraints while picking APIs.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2023 GorillaLargeLanguageModelConnecXin Wang
Joseph E. Gonzalez
Shishir G. Patil
Tianjun Zhang
Gorilla: Large Language Model Connected with Massive APIs2023