PPLRE NCBIOrganismName Table
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- The PPLRE NCBIOrganismName Table) contains the set of organisms that will be analyzed. It is very similar to the PPLRE Organism Table, but does not include, for example, GramStain databecause this is not available from NCBI.
Attributes + Descriptions:
- OrganismID: Node id in GenBank taxonomy database. A foreign key tothe OrganismID.
- DefaultOrganismNameID: parent node id in GenBank taxonomy database.
- DomainID: rank of this node (superkingdom, kingdom, ...)
[1053]v1.2: head NcbiOrganism*
> NcbiOrganismName.tab <=
- RowID OrganismID OrganismName UniqueName NameClass
0 1 all synonym
1 1 root scientific name
2 2 Bacteria Bacteria <bacteria> scientific name
3 2 Monera Monera <Bacteria> in-part
4 2 Procaryotae Procaryotae <#1> in-part
5 2 Prokaryota Prokaryota <#2> in-part
6 2 Prokaryotae Prokaryotae <#1> in-part
7 2 eubacteria genbank common name
8 2 eubacteria Bacteria<blast2> blast name