PARC 700 Dependency Bank
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PARC 700 Dependency Bank is a Benchmark Task for Linguistic Parsers (or many types, not just PCFG parsers).
- AKA: DepBank.
- Example(s):
- sentence_form(The device was replaced.)
- structure(
- sentence_form(The device was replaced.)
mood(replace~0, indicative) tense(replace~0, past) passive(replace~0, +) stmt_type(replace~0, declarative) subj(replace~0, device~1) vtype(replace~0, main) det_form(device~1, the) det_type(device~1, def) num(device~1, sg) pers(device~1, 3)) )
- sentence_form(Ten of the nation's governors meanwhile called on the justices to reject efforts to limit abortions.)
- structure(
- sentence_form(Ten of the nation's governors meanwhile called on the justices to reject efforts to limit abortions.)
subj(call~0, ten~1) obl(call~0, on~2) stmt_type(call~0, declarative) tense(call~0, past) obl(ten~1, governor~35) number_type(ten~1, cardinal) obj(on~2, justice~30) subj(reject~8, pro~27) obj(reject~8, effort~10) xcomp(effort~10, limit~7) num(effort~10, pl) subj(limit~7, pro~21) obj(limit~7,abortion~15) adegree(meanwhile~9, positive) )
- See: CCG.
- The PARC 700 Dependency Bank consists of 700 sentences which were randomly extracted from section 23 of the UPenn Wall Street Journal treebank, parsed with our LFG grammar, and given gold-standard annotations of grammatical dependency relations by manual correction and extension. Average sentence length: 19.8 words; average number of relation triples: 65.4.
- Development set: sentence numbers ending in 1 or 6 (parc numbering)
- Test set: all other sentences
- The corpus is freely available for research and evaluation purposes. Please contact us personally in case you intend to use the corpus for commercial applications.
- The PARC 700 Dependency Bank consists of 700 sentences which were randomly extracted from section 23 of the UPenn Wall Street Journal treebank, parsed with our LFG grammar, and given gold-standard annotations of grammatical dependency relations by manual correction and extension. Average sentence length: 19.8 words; average number of relation triples: 65.4.
- Aoife Cahill, Michael Burke, Ruth O'Donovan, Stefan Riezler, Josef van Genabith, and Andy Way. (2008). “Wide-Coverage Deep Statistical Parsing Using Automatic Dependency Structure Annotation.” In: Computational Linguistics, 34(1).
- Stephen Clark, and James R. Curran. (2007b). “Formalism-Independent Parser Evaluation with CCG and DepBank.” In: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-07).
- Ted Briscoe, and John Carroll. (2006). “Evaluating the Accuracy of an Unlexicalized Statistical Parser on the PARC DepBank.” In: Proceedings of the COLING/ACL
- Tracy Holloway King, Richard Crouch, Stefan Riezler, Mary Dalrymple, and Ronald M. Kaplan. (2003). “The PARC700 Dependency Bank.” In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-03) at (EACL-03).