Operate What You Build Development Model

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An Operate What You Build Development Model is a software development model that advocates for the software development team to also be the software operation team.



  • (Bard, 2024) ⇒ Bard. (2024).
    • "Operate what you build" is a development model gaining traction in the software industry. It essentially means that the team responsible for building a software system is also responsible for operating and supporting it in production. This model diverges from traditional practices where development and operations are siloed, often leading to communication hurdles and delayed responses to issues.
    • Benefits:
      • Faster feedback loop: Developers experience first-hand the real-world performance and limitations of their creation, driving faster improvements and problem-solving.
      • Increased accountability: Ownership fosters deeper understanding and commitment to the product's success, leading to higher quality and reliability.
      • Improved collaboration: The close working relationship between development and operations breaks down silos, leading to better communication and teamwork.
      • Increased agility: Teams can respond quickly to changes and issues, resulting in more adaptable and resilient systems.
    • Challenges:
    • Common implementations: