Normative Rule
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A Normative Rule is a rule that establishes standards for how entities ought to behave or systems ought to function.
- AKA: Prescriptive Rule, Ought Rule, Standard-Setting Rule.
- Context:
- It can typically establish Normative Standards through normative declarations.
- It can typically define Normative Behavior through normative requirements.
- It can typically enforce Normative Norms through normative sanctions.
- It can typically guide Normative Decision through normative principles.
- It can typically validate Normative Action through normative criterion.
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- It can often differentiate Normative Permissible Action from Normative Impermissible Action through normative boundary.
- It can often resolve Normative Dilemmas through normative prioritization.
- It can often justify Normative Frameworks through normative foundations.
- It can often structure Normative Institutions through normative architecture.
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- It can range from being a Simple Normative Rule to being a Complex Normative Rule, depending on its normative scope.
- It can range from being a Explicit Normative Rule to being an Implicit Normative Rule, depending on its normative articulation.
- It can range from being a Strict Normative Rule to being a Flexible Normative Rule, depending on its normative enforcement.
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- It can integrate with Normative Framework for normative consistency.
- It can connect to Normative System for normative coherence.
- It can support Normative Judgment for normative assessment.
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- Examples:
- Normative Rule Categories, such as:
- Ethical Normative Rules, such as:
- Legal Normative Rules, such as:
- Social Normative Rule Categories, such as:
- Professional Normative Rule Categories, such as:
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- Normative Rule Categories, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Descriptive Rule, which describes how entities actually behave rather than prescribing normative behavior.
- Technical Rule, which defines physical or logical constraints rather than normative expectations.
- Constitutive Rule, which creates the possibility of certain activities rather than regulating normative pre-existing behaviors.
- See: Rule System, Normative Ethics, Deontology, Social Norm, Regulatory Framework.