Node.js Module

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A Node.js Module is a module within Node.js.



  • chat
    • Q: what are some of the more commonly used Node.js modules?
    • A: Node.js has a large and growing repository of modules, also known as packages, that can be installed and used in your applications. Here are some of the more commonly used Node.js modules:
      • fs: This is a built-in module that provides a simple and efficient way to interact with the file system in Node.js.
      • path: This is a built-in module that provides a way to work with file and directory paths in Node.js.
      • events: This is a built-in module that provides a way to create and handle events in Node.js.
      • stream: This is a built-in module that provides a way to handle streams of data in Node.js.
      • request: This is a popular module for making HTTP requests in Node.js.
      • express: This is a popular and widely used module for building web applications in Node.js.
      • mongodb: This is a popular module for working with MongoDB databases in Node.js.
      • crypto: This is a built-in module that provides cryptographic functionality in Node.js.
      • body-parser: This is a popular module for parsing incoming request bodies in Node.js.
      • lodash: This is a popular utility library for JavaScript that provides a wide range of functions for working with arrays, objects, and other data structures.