Linguistic Syntactic Theory

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A Linguistic Syntactic Theory is a Formal System that explains a Natural Language Syntax for Grammatical Sentences.



  • (SagWB, 2003) ⇒ I. A. Sag, T. Wasow, and E. M. Bender. (2003). “Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction, 2nd edition." CSLI Publications.
    • The term 'syntax' is often used instead of 'grammar' in technical work in linguistics. While the two terms are sometimes interchangeable, 'grammar' may also be used more broadly to cover all aspects of language structure; 'syntax', on the other hand, refers only the the ways in which words combine in phrases and phrases in sentences - the form or structures of well-formed expressions. Linguists divide grammar into 'syntax', 'semantics' (the study of linguistic meaning), 'morphology' (the study of word structure,), and 'phonology' (the study of sound patterns of language). Although these distinctions are conceptually clear, many phenomena in natural languages involve more than one of these components of grammar.


  • 1998_IntroToGB.
    • "One of the main aims of linguistics is to find and describe the structure that is hidden behind the utterances we make. (1) Peter loves Mary. (2) *Loves Peter Mary. We will intuitively accept (1) but reject (2). We will conclude from this, in accordance with all linguists, that an English sentence usually has Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order."