Morphological Dictionary
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A Morphological Dictionary is a Lexical Dictionary that links a word surface and its lexical form.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Grammatical Number, Computational Linguistics, Lemma (Morphology), Part of Speech, Grammatical Gender.
- (Wikipedia, 2020) ⇒ Retrieved:2020-11-29.
- In the field of computational linguistics, a morphological dictionary is a linguistic resource that contains correspondences between surface form and lexical forms of words. Surface forms of words are those found in any text. The corresponding lexical form of a surface form is the lemma followed by grammatical information (for example the part of speech, gender and number). In English give, gives, giving, gave and given are surface forms of the verb give. The lexical form would be "give", verb. There are two kinds of morphological dictionaries: aligned and non-aligned.
- (Wolinski et al., 2012) ⇒ (2012, May). ["PoliMorf: a (not so) New Open Morphological Dictionary for Polish"]. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12).
- QUOTE: This paper presents preliminary results of an effort aiming at the creation of a morphological dictionary of Polish, PoliMorf, available under a very liberal BSD-style license. The dictionary is a result of a merger of two existing resources, SGJP and Morfologik and was prepared within the CESAR/META-NET initiative.
- (Krstev, 2012) ⇒ Cvetana Krstev (2012). "Serbian Morphological Dictionary (Multext-East)".
- QUOTE: Morphological electronic dictionary of Serbian (Ekavian pronunciation) (SrpMD) released in the scope of the EU-funded CESAR project is a version of morphological dictionary of Serbian used in the NooJ corpus processing system and consituting the part of the Serbian Nooj Module (...). This version is compliant to MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic specification for Serbian (