Entity Mention Coreference Resolution Task

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An Entity Mention Coreference Resolution Task is a coreference resolution task that is also a mention clustering task (to produce coreferent mention clusters).



  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coreference
    • QUOTE: In linguistics, co-reference occurs when multiple expressions in a sentence or document refer to the same thing; or in linguistic jargon, they have the same “referent."

      For example, in the sentence "Mary said she would help me", "she" and "Mary" are most likely referring to the same person or group, in which case they are coreferent. Similarly, in "I saw Scott yesterday. He was fishing by the lake," Scott and he are most likely coreferent.

      The pattern of these examples is typical: when first introducing a person or other topic for discussion, an author or speaker will use a relatively long or detailed description, such as a definite description as defined by Saul Kripke. However, later mentions are briefer. Once down to mere pronouns, references are frequently ambiguous. In the "Mary said she would help me" example, although the most likely reading is that "she" refers to Mary, "she" could instead refer to someone else (most likely someone introduced earlier in a dialog).

      In computational linguistics, coreference resolution is a well-studied problem in discourse. In order to derive the correct interpretation of text, or even to estimate the relative importance of various mentioned subjects, pronouns and other referring expressions need to be connected to the right individuals.

      When the reader must look back to the previous context, coreference is called “anaphoric reference”. When the reader must look forward, it is termed “cataphoric reference”.