Lexical Relatedness Task

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A Lexical Relatedness Task is a semantic relatedness task that ..




  • SemEval 2012 https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxzZW1ldmFsMjAxMnRhc2syfGd4OjUyZTAxZTU4NGUyZDc3NGY
    • The following is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Bejar et al. (1991), pages 58 to 64. “Cognitive and Psychometric Analysis of Analogical Problem Solving." Isaac I. Bejar, Roger Chaffin, Susan Embretson.
    • The resulting taxonomy consists of 10 families or classes of relations, each with a number of specific relations as members. A brief characterization of each class follows:
      1. CLASS INCLUSION: one word names a class that includes the entity named by the other word.
      2. PART-WHOLE: one word names a part of the entity named by the other word, or something that is characteristically not a part.
      3. SIMILAR: one word represents a different degree or form of the object, action, or quality represented by the other word.
      4. CONTRAST: one word names an opposite or incompatible of the other word.
      5. ATTRIBUTE: one word names a characteristic quality, property, or action of the entity named by the other word.
      6. NONATTRIBUTE: one word names a quality, property, or action that is characteristically not an attribute of the entity named by the other word.
      7. CASE RELATION: one word names an action that the entity named by the other word is usually involved in, or both words name entities that are normally involved in the same action in different ways, e.g., as agent, object, recipient, or instrument of the action.
      8. CAUSE-PURPOSE: one word represents the cause, purpose, or goal of the entity named by the other word, or the purpose or goal of using the entity named by the other word.
      9. SPACE-TIME: one word names a thing or action that is associated with a particular location or time named by the other word.
      10. REPRESENTATION: one word names something that is an expression or representation of, or a plan or design for, or provides information about, the entity named by the other word.