Legally Required Disclosure-Focused Clause

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A Legally Required Disclosure-Focused Clause is a IP-focused risk mitigation clause that addresses confidential information disclosure scenarios where they are due to legal circumstances (such as subpoenas, court orders, or regulatory requirements).



  • Perplexity
    • A Legally Required Disclosure Clause, also known as a Compelled Disclosure Clause, is a common provision in confidentiality agreements that allows the recipient of confidential information to disclose that information if required to do so by law, court order, or other legal process. These clauses typically include the following key elements and provisions:
      1. Purpose and scope: Outlines procedures and obligations when a party is legally compelled to disclose confidential information, balancing legal compliance with protecting sensitive information.
      2. Permission to disclose: Allows the recipient to disclose confidential information if legally compelled to do so.
      3. Notice requirement: The recipient is usually required to promptly notify the disclosing party of any legal request or requirement to disclose confidential information, if legally permitted to do so. Some clauses may require notification as soon as the receiving party becomes aware of the potential for legally compelled disclosure.
      4. Cooperation: The recipient often must cooperate with the disclosing party's efforts to obtain a protective order or other remedy to prevent or limit disclosure. This may include assisting in challenging the legal requirement to disclose, if requested.
      5. Limited disclosure: If disclosure is required, the recipient should only disclose the specific information legally required and make efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the rest.
      6. Continued protection: Any disclosed information should maintain its confidential status for all other purposes not related to the legally compelled disclosure.
      7. Examples of legal requirements: The clause may specify examples like court orders, subpoenas, or regulatory requirements.
      8. Recipient's efforts: The recipient is typically required to use reasonable efforts or best efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information, such as seeking confidential treatment from the court or agency requiring disclosure.
      9. Indemnification: Some clauses may require the recipient to indemnify the disclosing party for any damages resulting from the legally required disclosure.
      10. Survival: The obligations related to legally required disclosures often survive the termination of the main agreement.
      11. Treatment of disclosed information: The clause may address how the information should be treated after disclosure, potentially requiring efforts to maintain its confidentiality or limit its further dissemination.
    • Importance and implementation:
      1. Establish clear internal procedures for identifying and responding to legally compelled disclosure situations.
      2. Train relevant personnel on these procedures and the importance of prompt notification.
      3. Maintain open communication channels between parties to facilitate quick responses to potential disclosure situations.
      4. Be prepared to engage legal counsel promptly when faced with legally compelled disclosure scenarios.
    • Citations:


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    • Required Disclosure: Each party may disclose the other party's Confidential Information when required by law but only after it, if legally permissible: (a) uses commercially reasonable efforts to notify the other party; and (b) gives the other party the chance to challenge the disclosure.


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    • Required Disclosure: If Executive is requested to disclose any of the Confidential Information as part of an administrative or judicial proceeding, Executive shall, to the extent permitted by applicable law, promptly notify Company of that request and cooperate with Company, at Company's expense, in seeking a protective order or similar confidential treatment for the Confidential Information.

      If no protective order or other confidential treatment is obtained, Executive shall disclose only that portion of Confidential Information which is legally required and will exercise all reasonable efforts to obtain reliable assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded the Confidential Information which is required to be disclosed.


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    • Required Disclosure: The ISO shall treat any Confidential Information it receives from the NTO in accordance with applicable provisions of the ISO Tariffs. If the NTO receives Confidential Information from the ISO, it shall hold such information in confidence, employing at least the same standard of care to protect the Confidential Information obtained from the ISO as it employs to protect its own Confidential Information.

      Each Party shall not disclose the other Party's Confidential Information to any third party or to the public without prior written authorization of the Party providing the information; provided, however, if the ISO is required by applicable law, or in the course of administrative or judicial proceedings, or subpoena, to disclose information that is otherwise required to be maintained in confidence pursuant to this Section, the ISO will do so in accordance with applicable provisions of the ISO Tariffs.

      And if the NTO is required by applicable law, or in the course of administrative or judicial proceedings, or subpoena, to disclose information that is otherwise required to be maintained in confidence pursuant to this Section, the NTO may make disclosure of such information; provided, however, that as soon as the NTO learns of the disclosure requirement and prior to making such disclosure, the NTO shall notify the ISO of the requirement and the terms thereof and the ISO may, at its sole discretion and cost, assert any challenge to or defense against the disclosure requirement and the NTO shall cooperate with the ISO to the maximum extent practicable to minimize the disclosure of the information consistent with applicable law.

      Each Party shall cooperate with the Other Party to obtain proprietary or confidential treatment of such information by the person to whom such information is disclosed prior to any such disclosure.


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    • Required Disclosure: With respect to Securities issued in the United States, the Shareholders Communications Act of 1985 (the "Act") requires the Custodian to disclose to issuers, upon their request, the name, address and securities position of the Custodian's clients who are "beneficial owners" (as defined in the Act) of the issuer's Securities, unless the beneficial owner objects to such disclosure. The Act defines a "beneficial owner" as any person who has or shares the power to vote a security (pursuant to an agreement or otherwise) or who directs the voting of a security.

      The Fund represents that it is the beneficial owner of the Securities. As beneficial owner it has designated below whether it objects to the disclosure of its name, address and securities position to any U.S. issuer that requests such information pursuant to the Act for the specific purpose of direct communications between such issuer and the Fund.

      With respect to Securities issued outside the United States, the Custodian shall disclose information required by law, regulation, rules of a stock exchange or organizational documents of an issuer. The Custodian is also authorized to supply any information regarding the Accounts that is required by any law, regulation or rules now or hereafter in effect. The Fund agrees to supply the Custodian with any required information if it is not otherwise reasonably available to the Custodian.

    • Pursuant to this Section 8.6, as Beneficial Owner:

      [ ] The Fund OBJECTS to disclosure

      [ ] The Fund DOES NOT OBJECT to disclosure