Legal Responsibility

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A Legal Responsibility is a legal obligation or duty that an individual or organization is required to fulfill under the law.




  • (Coddington & Aryana, 2024) ⇒ Kipp Coddington, and Saman Aryana. (2024). “Blurring the Line Between Human and Machine Minds: Is U.S. Law Ready for Artificial Intelligence?.” In: PhilArchive.
    • NOTE: It explores the challenges posed by AI technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) in attributing legal responsibility and accountability, highlighting potential disruptions to existing legal frameworks.
    • NOTE: It examines how U.S. law's foundational assumptions regarding human traits such as consciousness and free will are challenged by AI, which complicates the establishment of legal responsibility.
    • NOTE: It discusses the need for the legal profession to adapt and stay informed about AI developments to ensure fair and technically accurate legal decisions, emphasizing the importance of understanding AI's impact on legal responsibility.