Legal-Domain Domain-Specific Language (DSL)

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A Legal-Domain Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is a domain-specific language (DSL) that supports legal-domain tasks.

  • Context:
    • It can (often) be applied to automate legal compliance checks and streamline legal workflows.
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    • It can range from being a Declarative Legal-Domain DSL for describing legal concepts to an Imperative Legal-Domain DSL for specifying procedural legal logic.
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    • It can support formalizing legal rules, clauses, and agreements.
    • It can enable legal-tech innovations such as smart contracts and automated dispute resolution.
    • It can integrate with digital and blockchain technologies to provide enforceable legal instruments.
    • It can focus on reducing ambiguity in legal language by ensuring that it is machine-readable and executable.
    • It can be customized for specific legal fields such as contracts, regulations, or litigation.
    • It can facilitate interoperability between legal systems and automated contract management platforms.
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  • Example(s):
    • Contractual Agreement DSL: A DSL specifically for contracts, focusing only on agreements rather than broader legal domains.
      • Ergo: A legal-domain DSL designed for automating contract clauses, particularly in blockchain environments.
    • Akoma Ntoso: A DSL for representing parliamentary and legal documents in XML format.
    • LegalRuleML: A markup language tailored for representing complex legal rules in a machine-readable format.
    • XACML: A DSL used for expressing access control policies in the legal domain.
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  • Counter-Example(s):
    • Financial Regulation DSL: A DSL for automating financial regulations and compliance, not focused on the general legal domain.
  • See: Contractual Agreement DSL, LegalRuleML, Smart Contract DSL
