KDD 2007 Citations Analysis Report

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A KDD-2007 Citations Analysis Report is a Citations Analysis Report for the papers in the KDD-2007 Proceedings.


 1. Trajectory pattern mining
    Fosca Giannotti, Mirco Nanni, Fabio Pinelli, Dino Pedreschi
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 32, Downloads (12 Months): 358, Downloads (Overall): 1807, Citation Count: 54
 2. Extracting semantic relations from query logs
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Alessandro Tiberi
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 67, Downloads (12 Months): 329, Downloads (Overall): 2067, Citation Count: 51
 3. Cost-effective outbreak detection in networks
Jure Leskovec, Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin, Christos Faloutsos, Jeanne VanBriesen, Natalie Glance
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 48, Downloads (12 Months): 221, Downloads (Overall): 1012, Citation Count: 46
 4. Modeling relationships at multiple scales to improve accuracy of large recommender systems
    Robert Bell, Yehuda Koren, Chris Volinsky
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 35, Downloads (12 Months): 208, Downloads (Overall): 3936, Citation Count: 36
 5. GraphScope: parameter-free mining of large time-evolving graphs
Jimeng Sun, Christos Faloutsos, Spiros Papadimitriou, Philip S. Yu
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 24, Downloads (12 Months): 142, Downloads (Overall): 854, Citation Count: 35
 6. A framework for community identification in dynamic social networks
    Chayant Tantipathananandh, Tanya Berger-Wolf, David Kempe
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 33, Downloads (12 Months): 319, Downloads (Overall): 1663, Citation Count: 35
 7. Active exploration for learning rankings from clickthrough data
    Filip Radlinski, Thorsten Joachims
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 11, Downloads (12 Months): 71, Downloads (Overall): 713, Citation Count: 35
 8. Evolutionary spectral clustering by incorporating temporal smoothness
    Yun Chi, Xiaodan Song, Dengyong Zhou, Koji Hino, Belle L. Tseng
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 17, Downloads (12 Months): 125, Downloads (Overall): 787, Citation Count: 25
 9. Practical guide to controlled experiments on the web: listen to your customers not to the hippo
Ron Kohavi, Randal M. Henne, Dan Sommerfield
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 29, Downloads (12 Months): 153, Downloads (Overall): 576, Citation Count: 23
10. SCAN: a structural clustering algorithm for networks
    Xiaowei Xu, Nurcan Yuruk, Zhidan Feng, Thomas A. J. Schweiger
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 17, Downloads (12 Months): 172, Downloads (Overall): 994, Citation Count: 22
11. Co-clustering based classification for out-of-domain documents
    Wenyuan Dai, Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang, Yong Yu
    Bibliometrics:  Downloads (6 Weeks): 24, Downloads (12 Months): 157, Downloads (Overall): 1110, Citation Count: 22