Investigative Journalism
A Investigative Journalism is a journalism practice that systematically uncovers hidden information (to expose misconduct and inform public interest).
- AKA: Watchdog Journalism, In-Depth Reporting, Accountability Journalism, Accountability Reporting.
- Context:
- It can typically conduct Deep Investigation through source cultivation and document analysis.
- It can typically expose Hidden Truth through systematic research and evidence gathering.
- It can typically protect Public Interest through accountability reporting and power monitoring.
- It can typically verify Complex Information through fact checking and cross referencing.
- It can typically maintain Journalistic Independence through ethical standards and transparency practices.
- It can typically analyze Legal Documents through lawsuit review and regulatory analysis.
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- It can often utilize Data Analysis through statistical methods and pattern recognition.
- It can often employ Digital Investigation through online research and digital forensics.
- It can often collaborate with Expert Source through specialized consultation and technical verification.
- It can often protect Confidential Source through source protection and information security.
- It can often access Public Records through freedom of information laws and database analysis.
- It can often engage Whistleblowers through anonymous source protection and confidential communication.
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- It can range from being a Local Investigation to being a Global Investigation, depending on its geographic scope.
- It can range from being a Short Term Project to being a Long Term Investigation, depending on its investigation depth.
- It can range from being a Single Reporter Project to being a Collaborative Investigation, depending on its resource requirement.
- It can range from being a Document Analysis to being a Field Investigation, depending on its investigation method.
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- Examples:
- Investigation Types, such as:
- Political Investigations, such as:
- Corporate Investigations, such as:
- Environmental Investigations, such as:
- Notable Investigative Reporters, such as:
- Investigation Organizations, such as:
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- Investigation Types, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Breaking News Reporting, which lacks long-term investigation and systematic research.
- Opinion Journalism, which lacks evidence-based investigation and factual verification.
- Feature Journalism, which lacks accountability focus and misconduct exposure.
- See: Research Journalism, Data Journalism, Muckraking, Public Service Journalism, Documentary Journalism, Wire Service, LexisNexis, Freedom of Information Laws, Primary Source, Political Corruption, Freelance.