Intrinsic Human Motivation

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A Intrinsic Human Motivation is a human motivation that is driven by internal desires.

  • Context:
    • It can (typically) lead Individuals to pursue activities that they find enjoyable and fulfilling, promoting a sense of well-being and personal satisfaction.
    • It can (often) inspire Students to engage deeply in learning and academic pursuits, driven by curiosity and a love for knowledge.
    • It can range from a Desire for Mastery over a skill or subject to a Passion for Creativity in artistic endeavors.
    • It can motivate Employees to perform tasks and projects with dedication and enthusiasm, leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.
    • It can encourage Athletes to train and compete, driven by a love for their sport and a desire to improve.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • an Artist who creates art for the sheer joy of creation, driven by intrinsic motivation.
    • a Researcher who conducts experiments and studies driven by a deep curiosity and passion for discovery.
    • a Musician who practices their instrument for hours, motivated by a love for music and a desire to improve.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Personal Drive, Self-Determination Theory, Intrinsic Goals, Motivation Theory
