Human Meaningfulness Property

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A Human Meaningfulness Property is a human life property that combines vital engagement and higher purpose.



  • (Wolf, 2010) ⇒ Susan Wolf. (2010). “Meaning in Life and Why It Matters." Princeton University Press. ISBN:9781400834594
    • QUOTE: … Many questions about this conception of meaningfulness and its importance remain, however. In particular, I have not yet addressed, or even so much as acknowledged, the resistance many readers are no doubt feeling toward my references to objective value, or to the corresponding view that some activities or projects are more fitting than others to be the objects of one’s life’s central passions. I shall begin the next lecture by responding to these concerns. Let me warn you in advance, though, that I shall not be offering a theory of objective value, much less a foolproof procedure for determining which things have it. In light of this, one might reasonably wonder why I bother to bring up the subject at all. The remainder of the second lecture will be aimed at answering that question. By the end of the second lecture, then, I shall have tried to convince you not only of what meaning is, but also of why it matters. …