Groq Corp.

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A Groq Corp. is a technology company that specializes in deep NNet inference solutions.

  • Context:
    • It can be known for its innovative Language Processing Unit (LPU) Inference Engine which delivers high-speed, energy-efficient, and scalable inference performance.
    • It can (typically) deploy Deep NNet Model Inference Chips at an unprecedented scale, aiming for 1 million chips within two years, highlighting its capacity for large-scale AI solutions.
    • It can (typically) offer a performance that is 10 times faster and at one-tenth the cost compared to traditional setups, such as those based on Nvidia's technology, emphasizing its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
    • It can (often) focus on optimizing for real-world applications by supporting dynamic model adaptation (e.g., batch sparsity) and efficient batch processing, showcasing its adaptability to diverse AI inference needs.
    • It can (often) contribute to sectors beyond technology, such as emergency response and disaster management, by enabling real-time data processing from various sources at ultra-low latency, demonstrating its broad impact on society and industry.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Deep NNet Inference, Large Language Models, Energy Efficiency in Computing, Scalable AI Solutions.



  • GPT-4
    • It is a technology company focused on hardware and software solutions.
    • It specializes in GroqChip processors, GroqCard accelerators, GroqNode servers, GroqRack compute clusters, and GroqWare suites.
    • It serves sectors such as finance, industrial automation, cybersecurity, and scientific research.
    • It is a private company, active and founded in 2016.
    • It is headquartered in Mountain View, CA, United States.
    • It competes in the technology sector, particularly in artificial intelligence, cloud storage, electronics, enterprise software, and machine learning.
    • It has received a total funding of $362.3 million.