Goal-Oriented Task
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A Goal-Oriented Task is a cognitive task that involves intentionally working toward achieving a specific outcome through planned actions and directed effort.
- Context:
- It can typically establish Goal-Oriented Objectives through goal-setting processes.
- It can typically develop Goal-Oriented Strategy through goal-oriented planning.
- It can typically allocate Goal-Oriented Resources through goal-oriented prioritization.
- It can typically monitor Goal-Oriented Progress through goal-oriented tracking.
- It can typically evaluate Goal-Oriented Outcomes through goal-oriented assessment.
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- It can often adapt Goal-Oriented Approaches through goal-oriented feedback.
- It can often overcome Goal-Oriented Obstacles through goal-oriented problem-solving.
- It can often maintain Goal-Oriented Motivation through goal-oriented reinforcement.
- It can often coordinate Goal-Oriented Team through goal-oriented collaboration.
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- It can range from being a Simple Goal-Oriented Task to being a Complex Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its goal complexity.
- It can range from being a Short-Term Goal-Oriented Task to being a Long-Term Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its time horizon.
- It can range from being a Concrete Goal-Oriented Task to being an Abstract Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its goal specificity.
- It can range from being an Individual Goal-Oriented Task to being a Collective Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its participation scope.
- It can range from being a Structured Goal-Oriented Task to being a Flexible Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its procedural rigidity.
- It can range from being a Routine Goal-Oriented Task to being a Novel Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its task familiarity.
- It can range from being a Sequential Goal-Oriented Task to being a Parallel Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its execution pattern.
- It can range from being a Convergent Goal-Oriented Task to being a Divergent Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its solution approach.
- It can range from being a Discrete Goal-Oriented Task to being a Continuous Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its completion nature.
- It can range from being a Prescribed Goal-Oriented Task to being an Emergent Goal-Oriented Task, depending on its goal formation process.
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- It can be performed by a Goal-Oriented System through goal-pursuit mechanisms.
- It can involve Goal-Oriented Decision Making through goal-oriented evaluation criteria.
- It can utilize Goal-Oriented Skills through goal-oriented capability application.
- It can follow Goal-Oriented Processes through goal-oriented procedural steps.
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- Examples:
- Goal-Oriented Task Types, such as:
- Personal Goal-Oriented Tasks, such as:
- Organizational Goal-Oriented Tasks, such as:
- Project Goal-Oriented Task for deliverable production.
- Strategic Goal-Oriented Task for business objective achievement.
- Operational Goal-Oriented Task for business process optimization.
- Innovation Goal-Oriented Task for organizational advancement.
- Compliance Goal-Oriented Task for regulatory adherence.
- Social Goal-Oriented Tasks, such as:
- Goal-Oriented Task Frameworks, such as:
- SMART Goal-Oriented Tasks for specific measurable achievement.
- OKR Goal-Oriented Tasks for objective key result tracking.
- Agile Goal-Oriented Tasks for iterative goal achievement.
- Balanced Scorecard Goal-Oriented Tasks for multi-perspective goal alignment.
- BHAG Goal-Oriented Tasks for audacious goal pursuit.
- Goal-Oriented Task Processes, such as:
- Sequential Goal-Oriented Task Processes organizing goal-oriented steps in linear progression.
- Cyclical Goal-Oriented Task Processes implementing goal-oriented phases in recurring patterns.
- Network Goal-Oriented Task Processes coordinating goal-oriented activitys in interconnected systems.
- Adaptive Goal-Oriented Task Processes modifying goal-oriented approaches based on environmental feedback.
- Hybrid Goal-Oriented Task Processes combining multiple goal-oriented methodologys for comprehensive solutions.
- Goal-Oriented Task Domains, such as:
- Educational Goal-Oriented Tasks facilitating learning objective achievement.
- Medical Goal-Oriented Tasks supporting health outcome improvement.
- Technical Goal-Oriented Tasks enabling system functionality.
- Creative Goal-Oriented Tasks producing artistic expression.
- Scientific Goal-Oriented Tasks advancing knowledge discovery.
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- Goal-Oriented Task Types, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Exploratory Task, which focuses on open-ended discovery rather than predetermined outcomes.
- Habitual Task, which operates through automatic behavior rather than intentional goal pursuit.
- Reactive Task, which responds to external stimuli rather than proactive planning.
- Linguistic Task, which primarily processes language elements without necessarily pursuing specific goals.
- Math Task, which manipulates numerical concepts without inherently involving goal-directed behavior.
- Contemplative Task, which emphasizes reflective consideration over outcome achievement.
- Play-Based Task, which prioritizes intrinsic enjoyment above external objectives.
- See: Dispute-Resolution, Intentional Movement, Skill Learning, Leadership, Goal, Motivation, Goal Setting, Training, Motor-Skill.
- (Wikipedia, 2015) ⇒ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/goal_orientation Retrieved:2015-6-28.
- Goal orientation is a "disposition toward developing or demonstrating ability in achievement situations".[1] Previous research has examined goal orientation as a motivation variable useful for recruitment, climate and culture, performance appraisal, and selection.[2] Studies have also used goal orientation to predict sales performance, goal setting, learning and adaptive behaviors in training, and leadership. Due to the many theoretical and practical applications of goal orientation, it is important to understand the construct and how it relates to other variables. In this entry, goal orientation will be reviewed in terms of its history, stability, dimensionality, antecedents, its relationship to goal setting and consequences, its relevance to motivation, and future directions for research.
- ↑ VandeWalle , D. (1997), Development and validation of a work domain goal orientation instrument, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 8, 995-1015.
- ↑ DeGeest, D., & Brown, K. G. (2011). The role of goal orientation in leadership development. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22(2), 157-175.
- (Wikipedia, 2015) ⇒ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/motor_skill Retrieved:2015-5-17.
- A motor skill is an intentional movement involving a motor or muscular component, that must be learned and voluntarily produced to proficiently perform a goal-oriented task, according to Knapp, Newell, and Sparrow.
- (Van Lamsweerde, 2001) ⇒ Axel van Lamsweerde. (2001). “Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering: A Guided Tour.” In: Requirements Engineering, 2001. Proceedings. Fifth IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 249-262. IEEE,