GitHub User

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A GitHub User is a service user on the GitHub platform.

  • Context:
    • They can (typically) utilizes various features for version control, collaboration, and code management.
    • They can (typically) create Repository to store code and collaborate with others.
    • They can (often) fork Repository to make a personal copy for development.
    • They can follow other GitHub User to stay updated with their activities.
    • They can contribute to open-source projects by creating Pull Request.
    • They can use Issues to track bugs and feature requests in a repository.
    • They can engage in discussions through GitHub Discussions on repositories.
    • They can maintain a profile showcasing its repositories, contributions, and activities.
    • They can manage GitHub Actions to automate workflows directly in their repositories.
    • They can participate in GitHub Sponsors to support open-source development financially.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • One who creates and maintains popular open-source libraries.
    • One who contributes to collaborative projects by submitting pull requests and issues.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
    • GitHub Organizations, which are collective accounts that can own repositories and manage projects collaboratively, as opposed to individual users.
    • Anonymous Users, who can browse public repositories but cannot contribute or manage repositories without a registered account.
  • See: Repository, Pull Request, GitHub Actions, Issues
