Gamma Density Function

A Gamma Density Function is a probability density function from a gamma distribution family.



  • (Dubnicka, 2006g) ⇒ Suzanne R. Dubnicka. (2006). “Special Continuous Distributions - Handout 7." Kansas State University, Introduction to Probability and Statistics I, STAT 510 - Fall 2006.
    • THE GAMMA FUNCTION: The gamma function is a function of t, defined for all k > 0 as ...
    • TERMINOLOGY : A random variable X is said to have a gamma distribution with parameters k > 0 and > 0 if its pdf is given by fX(x) =
      • 0, otherwise.
    • TERMINOLOGY : In the Gamma(k, ) family, when k = /2, for any integer , and = 1/2, we call the resulting distribution a 2 distribution with degrees of freedom. If X has a 2 distribution with degrees of freedom, we write X ∼ 2().