Emotional Feeling
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A Emotional Feeling is a subjective component that provides conscious experience of emotional states (through phenomenological awareness and affective quality).
- AKA: Felt Emotion, Emotional Sensation, Subjective Feeling.
- Context:
- It can typically generate Conscious Awareness through emotional perception and felt sensation.
- It can typically maintain Affective Quality through experiential intensity and hedonic tone.
- It can typically influence Subjective Experience through phenomenal character and qualitative feel.
- It can typically provide Emotional Information through interoceptive awareness and bodily sensation.
- It can typically shape Personal Experience through felt meaning and emotional resonance.
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- It can often modulate Emotional Recognition through feeling identification and emotional labeling.
- It can often facilitate Emotional Understanding through felt interpretation and experiential learning.
- It can often guide Behavioral Response through feeling-based motivation and action tendency.
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- It can range from being a Subtle Feeling to being an Intense Feeling, depending on its experiential intensity.
- It can range from being a Simple Feeling to being a Complex Feeling, depending on its phenomenological complexity.
- It can range from being a Pleasant Feeling to being an Unpleasant Feeling, depending on its hedonic valence.
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- It can interact with Body States through physiological feedback.
- It can integrate with Cognitive Processes for emotional comprehension.
- It can influence Decision Making through intuitive guidance.
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- Examples:
- Basic Feelings, such as:
- Primary Feelings, such as:
- Fear Feeling during threat detection.
- Joy Feeling during reward experience.
- Anger Feeling during frustration response.
- Secondary Feelings, such as:
- Pride Feeling during achievement recognition.
- Shame Feeling during social judgment.
- Primary Feelings, such as:
- Complex Feelings, such as:
- Mixed Feelings, such as:
- Bittersweet Feeling during ambivalent experience.
- Nostalgic Feeling during memory recall.
- Social Feelings, such as:
- Empathic Feeling during emotional resonance.
- Lonely Feeling during social isolation.
- Mixed Feelings, such as:
- ...
- Basic Feelings, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Emotional Thought, which lacks felt quality.
- Physical Sensation, which lacks emotional content.
- Behavioral Response, which lacks phenomenological awareness.
- See: Emotional Experience, Emotional State, Subjective Experience, Phenomenological Awareness, Affective Quality.