Dependency Grammar-based Relation Recognition Classifier Example

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This page contains example of Dependency Grammar-based Relation Recognition Classifiers

The tools used include

Example 1

This is an example drawn from (Bunescu and Mooney, 2005) and their example reverse engineered with SRL and Stanford Parser information.

  • Sentence: Protesters seized several pumping stations, holding 127 Shell workers hostage.

Dependency Grammar includes example of both Local Dependency and Non-local Dependency

Dependency Grammar (with short and long dependencies)

This is the result from the Stanford Parser. It leads to many of the same local word-word associations as in the illustration. Differences include in the role that workers and hostage play.

nsubj(seized-2, Protesters-1) amod(stations-5, several-3) amod(stations-5, pumping-4) dobj(seized-2, stations-5) xcomp(seized-2, holding-7) num(hostage-11, 127-8) nn(hostage-11, Shell-9) nn(hostage-11, workers-10) dobj(holding-7, hostage-11)

Semantic Role Labeling

Sample Relations

Relation InstanceShortest Path in Undirected Dependency Graph
protesters AT stationsprotesters ⇒ seized <= stations
workers AT stationsworkers ⇒ holding <= protesters ⇒ seized <= stations

Example 2

This is an example drawn from (Bunescu and Mooney, 2005) and their example reverse engineered with SRL and Stanford Parser information.

  • Sentence: Troops recently have raided churches, warning ministers to stop preaching.

Dependency Grammar (with short and long dependencies) includes example of both Local Dependency and Non-local Dependency

Dependency Grammar (with only short dependencies)

nsubj(raided-4, Troops-1) advmod(raided-4, recently-2) aux(raided-4, have-3) dobj(raided-4, churches-5) xcomp(raided-4, warning-7) dobj(warning-7, ministers-8) aux(stop-10, to-9) xcomp(warning-7, stop-10) dobj(stop-10, preaching-11)

Semantic Role Labeling

Sample Relations

Relation InstanceShortest Path in Undirected Dependency Graph
troops AT churchestroops ⇒ raided <= churches
ministers AT churchesministers ⇒ warning <= troops ⇒ raided <= churches