Deep Semantic Contract Parsing Task
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A Deep Semantic Contract Parsing Task is a deep semantic parsing task creates deep semantic contract representations.
- Context:
- It can (typically) involve extracting and structuring key information from legal texts, such as parties involved, obligations, rights, and conditions.
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- Example(s):
- Office Lease Agreement Deep Semantic Contract Parsing, of office lease agreements.
- Employment Contract Deep Semantic Contract Parsing, for parsing employment contracts to extract terms of employment, employee rights, and employer obligations.
- Merger and Acquisition Contract Deep Semantic Contract Parsing, for analyzing merger and acquisition contracts to detail asset transfers, liabilities, and regulatory compliance issues.
- Software Licensing Agreement Deep Semantic Contract Parsing, to interpret and structure terms in software licensing agreements, including usage rights, limitations, and renewal terms.
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- Counter-Example(s):
- Structural Contract Parsing,
- Syntactic Contract Parsing Task focuses on the grammatical structure rather than the meaning of the text.
- Shallow Semantic Contract Parsing Task deals with a less complex analysis of legal documents, often focusing on basic meanings without deep interpretation.
- Contract Summarization aims to provide a brief overview of a contract without detailed semantic analysis.
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- See: Contract Analysis, Legal Document Analysis, Text Mining, Machine Learning in Law.
- GPT-4
{ "ContractTitle": "ABC Partner Terms of Service", "Parties": { "FirstParty": { "Name": "ABC, Inc.", "Role": "Service Provider" }, "SecondParty": { "Name": "Publisher", "Role": "User of Services" } }, "ServicesProvided": ["Job Listings", "Job Site", "Jobs API", "Job Widgets"], "KeyDefinitions": ["Affiliate", "API Documentation", "Click", "Gross Revenue"], "RightsAndObligations": { "ABC": { "Provides": ["Tools for Job Site Development", "Hosting Services", "Job Listings and Widgets"], "GrantsLicense": { "Type": "Non-exclusive, Non-transferable, Revocable", "Scope": ["Use of Code", "Job Site", "Widgets", "API"] } }, "Publisher": { "ResponsibleFor": ["Setting Prices for Paid Job Listings", "Providing Customer Support"], "Restrictions": ["No Modification of Job Listings", "Prohibition of Decompiling Software", "No Altering Hyperlinks", "No Use of Job Listings as Leads List"] } }, "IntellectualProperty": { "RightsProtection": true, "Elements": ["Patents", "Copyrights", "Trademarks", "Other Intellectual Property"] }, "RevenueAndPayment": { "NetRevenueDefinition": "Defined", "GrossRevenueDefinition": "Defined", "RevenueHandling": ["Paid Job Listings", "Revenue Distribution"] }, "TerminationAndDuration": { "Term": "Specified", "TerminationConditions": "Specified" }, "LiabilitiesAndDisclaimers": "Not Visible in Provided Excerpt", "ComplianceWithLaws": "Expected", "DisputeResolution": "Expected" }