Data Key Collision

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See: Hash Table, Checksum, Collision Attack, Pigeonhole Principle.



  1. Jered Floyd (2008-07-18). "What do Hash Collisions Really Mean?". Permabits and Petabytes. Retrieved 2011-03-24. "For the long explanation on cryptographic hashes and hash collisions, I wrote a column a bit back for SNW Online, “What you need to know about cryptographic hashes and enterprise storage”. The short version is that deduplicating systems that use cryptographic hashes use those hashes to generate shorter “fingerprints” to uniquely identify each piece of data, and determine if that data already exists in the system. The trouble is, by a mathematical rule called the “pigeonhole principle”, you can’t uniquely map any possible files or file chunk to a shorter fingerprint. Statistically, there are multiple possible files that have the same hash."