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A Culture is a social belief set held by a population.



  • GBard
    • There are many different dimensions that can help to understand different cultures. Some of the most important dimensions include:
      • Cultural power distance measure: This dimension describes how different cultures view the distribution of power and status. High power distance cultures tend to be more hierarchical, with a clear distinction between those in positions of authority and those who are not. Low power distance cultures tend to be more egalitarian, with a greater emphasis on equality and participation.
      • Individualistic vs. collectivistic culture measure: This dimension describes how different cultures value the individual versus the group. Individualistic cultures tend to emphasize the importance of individual independence and achievement. Collectivistic cultures tend to emphasize the importance of group loyalty and cooperation.
      • Uncertainty avoidance cultural measure: This dimension describes how different cultures tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity. High uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to be more risk-averse and prefer clear rules and procedures. Low uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to be more tolerant of risk and ambiguity and are more comfortable with change.
      • Masculinity vs. femininity culture measure: This dimension describes how different cultures value traditionally masculine versus feminine traits. Masculine cultures tend to value assertiveness, competition, and material success. Feminine cultures tend to value cooperation, harmony, and quality of life.
      • Long-term vs. short-term orientation culture measure: This dimension describes how different cultures value long-term planning versus short-term results. Long-term oriented cultures tend to value thrift, perseverance, and investment for the future. Short-term oriented cultures tend to value immediate gratification and material success.
Dimension Japan Russia India China Israel Turkey Nigeria Indonesia Mexico Brazil United States Germany Philippines Denmark
Power distance High High High High High High High High High Low Low Medium Medium Low
Individualism vs. collectivism Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Individualistic Individualistic Collectivistic Collectivistic Individualistic
Uncertainty avoidance High High High High Medium High Medium High Low Low Low High Low Low
Masculinity vs. femininity Feminine Feminine Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine Feminine Masculine Masculine Masculine Masculine Feminine Feminine
Long-term vs. short-term orientation Long-term Long-term Long-term Long-term Long-term Medium Short-term Medium Medium Short-term Short-term Long-term Short-term Long-term