Contract Issue-Spotting Rule Generation System

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A Contract Issue-Spotting Rule Generation System is a legal rule generation system that can support contract issue rule generation tasks (to create contract issue detection rules).



  • LLM-Generated
  • * FR‑2: Generation and Output Settings
  • * FR‑3: Output Generation and Testing
    • * FR‑3.1: Contract Passage Generation
      • * Core:
        • * Generate contract passages using the user‑provided rule and base passage.
        • * constructs prompts per category and calls GPT‑4 to generate passages in a JSON array format.
      • * Acceptance:
        • * All generated outputs must be valid JSON. Any formatting error must trigger an automatic error‑alert or regeneration process.
    • * FR‑3.2: Automated Passage Testing and Analysis
      • * Core:
      • * Enhancements (Future):
      • * Acceptance:
        • * The analysis must consistently return valid JSON; any deviation triggers error logging and user notification.
  • * FR‑4: Session State, Logging, and Observability
    • * FR‑4.1: Session State Export
      • * Core:
        • * Capture the full session state—including inputs, generated passages, test results, performance metrics, and error logs.
        • * index.html implements a "DOWNLOAD SESSION STATE AS JSON" button.
      • * Acceptance:
        • * The exported JSON must be complete, human‑readable, and include all critical elements from the session.
    • * FR‑4.2: Logging and Observability Dashboard
      • * Core:
        • * Maintain a detailed log of events and errors via functions like myLogger() in
        • * Display an observability dashboard in index.html showing cumulative reinforcement signals (e.g., total tests, correct/incorrect counts, cumulative reward).
      • * Enhancements (Future):
        • * Advanced filtering and interactive analytics for logs.
      • * Acceptance:
        • * Dashboard data must update near‑real‑time and logs must be easily reviewable by the user.
  • * Non‑Functional Requirements
    • * Usability:
      • * The interface must be intuitive and tailored for Legal Professionals with minimal technical training.
    • * Performance:
      • * Core functions (rule generation and testing) should provide near‑real‑time feedback. PoC performance targets are flexible, allowing for later optimization.
    • * Reliability:
      • * The system must handle errors gracefully (e.g., API timeouts, JSON parsing issues) and automatically alert or re‑generate outputs.
    • * Scalability:
    • * Security:
  • * Future Enhancements (Aspirational)
    • Persistent State Management:
      • Enable the system to save its full session state within Google Studio Files for persistent storage.
      • Develop functionality to read from these saved files, allowing the application to restore prior states and maintain continuity across sessions.
    • Conclusion
      • The Contract‑Related Issue‑Spotting Rule Generation System PoC, as implemented in and index.html, establishes a robust foundation for assisting Legal Professionals in the creation and refinement of issue‑spotting rules.
      • These rules are intended to support Manual Contract Review by providing clear and effective criteria for identifying potential issues.
      • While the current focus is on core functionalities—such as structured JSON outputs, dynamic passage testing, and session state management—future enhancements will extend integration, analytics, and usability, paving the way toward a comprehensive, enterprise‑grade contract review solution.
