Clinical Trial Management System Capability Analysis

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A Clinical Trial Management System Capability Analysis is a System Capability Analysis for a CTMS.



Table 1. A list of factors associated with problems or challenges when preparing for or executing a clinical trial, along with the opportunities for artificial intelligence to help alleviate these issues. Abbreviation: NLP = natural language processing.
Factor Opportunity Role for Artificial Intelligence
Poor study design More complete literature review
Appropriate endpoints
Inappropriate eligibility criteria
Appropriate statistical analysis
Determination of appropriate sample size
Reducing likelihood of amendments
Inconsistencies in protocol
Ineffective site selection
Poor recruitment Improved use of funds
Ensuring appropriate eligibility criteria
Facilitating locating eligible patients
Enrolling patients who are likely to complete the trial
Patient burden/safety
Minimize out-of-pocket expenses
Minimize possibility of contraindicated medicines/procedures
Increase likelihood of feeling respected
Poor trial execution
Preparing data and reporting for write-up
Lack of general awareness
Overall Factor analysis to improve trade-offs based on budget and other constraints