Citation Entry Coreference Resolution Task

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A Citation Entry Coreference Resolution Task is a Coreference Resolution Task for Citation Entrys.



satisfaction problems: A case study. In: Proceedings AAAI.

      • S. Minton Integrating heuristics for constraint satisfaction

problems: A case study. In: Proceedings of AAAI, 1993.

    • In the first citation, author and title are clearly separated by a date and period, and extracting them is fairly straightforward. In the second one, there is no clear author-title boundary, and correctly pinpointing it seems very difficult. Large quantities of labeled training data and an extensive lexicon could help, but they are expensive to obtain, and even then are far from a guarantee of success. However, if we notice that the two citations are coreferent and the title of the first one begins with the substring “Integrating heuristics for,” we can hypothesize that the title of the second one also begins with this substring, allowing us to correctly segment it.