1998 WhatIsADigitalDocument

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Subject Headings: Digital Document.




The question "What is a digital document?" is seen as a special case of the question "What is a document?" Ordinarily the word "document" denotes a textual record. Early this century, attempts to provide access to the rapidly growing quantity of available documents raised questions about which should be considered a "document". Paul Otlet and others developed a functional view of "document" and discussed whether, for example, sculpture, museum objects, and live animals, could be considered to be "documents". Suzanne Briet equated "document" with organized physical evidence. These ideas resemble notions of "material culture" in cultural anthropology and "object-as-sign" in semiotics. Others, especially in the USA (e.g. Jesse Shera and Louis Shores) took a narrower view. Old confusions between medium, message, and meaning are renewed with digital technology because technological definitions of "document" become even less realistic when everything is in bits.

1. Introduction

For practical purposes, people develop pragmatic definitions, such as "anything that can be given a file name and stored on electronic media" or "a collection of data plus properties of that data that a user chooses to refer to as a logical unit.” And, as so often in discussions of information, one finds definitions of "document" that focus on one aspect and are often highly metaphorical, such as "`captured' knowledge," "data in context," and "an organized view of information."

Digital systems have been concerned primarily with text and text-like records (e.g. names, numbers, and alphanumeric codes), but the present interest in icons and graphics reminds us that we may need to deal with any phenomena that someone may wish to observe: events, processes, images, and objects as well as texts [BUC 91].

6. Digital documents

  • Attempts to define digital documents are likely to remain elusive, if more than an ad hoc, pragmatic definition is wanted. Definitions based on form, format and medium appear to be less satisfactory that a functional approach, following the path of reasoning underlying the largely forgotten discussions of Otlet's objects and Briet's antelope.


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  • [BAR 88] Barthes, R. The semiotic challenge. Hall & Wang, New York, 1988.
  • [BRI 51] Briet, S. Qu'est-ce que la documentation. EDIT, Paris, 1951.
  • [BUC 91] Buckland, M. K. “Information as thing” . Journal of the American Society of Information Science v, 42, pp. 351-360, 1991.
  • [BUC 95] Buckland, M. K. “The centenary of `Madame Documentation': Suzanne Briet, 1894-1989”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42, pp. 586-588, 1995.
  • [BUC 97a] Buckland, M. K. “Suzanne Briet, 1894-1989” . In: Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'information et de la documentation. (Collection REF). Editions Nathan, Paris, pp. 105-106, 1997.
  • [BUC 97b] Buckland, M. K. “What is a "document"” , Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48, pp. 804-809, 1997.
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  • [DUF 73] Dufrenne, M. The phenomenology of aesthetic experience, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois, 1973.
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  • [FRA 78] Frank, P. R. Von der systematischen Bibliographie zur Dokumentation. (Wege der Forschung 144). Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1978.
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  • [LEV 94] Levy, D. M. “Fixed or fluid” Document stability and new media" . In: European Conference on Hypertext Technology 1994 Proceedings. (Pp. 24-31). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1994.
  • [OTL 20] Otlet, P. L'organisation internationale de la bibliographie et de la documentation. (IIB Publ. 128). Institut International de Bibliographie, Brussels, 1920. Translation in [OTL 90: pp. 173-203].
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  • [SEB 94] Sebeok, T. A., ed. Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics. 2nd ed., Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 1994.
  • [SHE 72] Shera, J. H. The foundations of education for librarianship, Becker and Hayes, New York, 1972.
  • [SHO 77] Shores, L. The generic book: What is it and how it works, Library-College Associates, Norman, Oklahoma,1977.
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  • [WAR 90] Warner, J. “Semiotics, information science, documents and computers” . Journal of Documentation, 46, pp. 16-32, 1990.


 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1998 WhatIsADigitalDocumentMichael BucklandWhat is a Digital DocumentDocument Numériquehttp://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~buckland/digdoc.html1998