1998 CombiningLabAndUnlabDataCotraining

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Subject Headings: Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithm, Co-Training Algorithm.


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We consider the problem of using a large unlabeled sample to boost performance of a learning algorithm when only a small set of labeled examples is available. In particular, we consider a problem setting motivated by the task of learning to classify web pages, in which the description of each example can be partitioned into two distinct views. For example, the description of a web page can be partitioned into the words occurring on that page, and the words occurring in hyperlinks that point to that page. We assume that either view of the example would be sufficient for learning if we had enough labeled data, but our goal is to use both views together to allow inexpensive unlabeled data to augment, a much smaller set of labeled examples. Specifically, the presence of two distinct views of each example suggests strategies in which two learning algorithms are trained separately on each view, and then each algorithm’s predictions on new unlabeled examples are used to enlarge the training set of the other. Our goal in this paper is to provide a PAC-style analysis for this setting, and, more broadly, a PAC-style framework for the general problem of learning from both labeled and unlabeled data. We also provide empirical results on real web-page data indicating that this use of unlabeled examples can lead to significant improvement of hypotheses in practice.


We have described a model in which unlabeled data can be used to augment labeled data, based on having two views (x1, x2) of an example that are redundant but not completely correlated. Our theoretical model is clearly an over-simplification of real-world target functions and distributions. In particular, even for the optimal pair of functions fl, f2 e Cl x C2 we would expect to occasionally see inconsistent examples (i.e., examples (X1,x2) such that f1(x1) != fz(~z)). Nonetheless, it provides a way of looking at the notion of the “friendliness” of a distribution (in terms of the components and minimum cuts) and at how unlabeled examples can potentially be used to prune away “incompatible” target concepts to reduce the number of labeled examples needed to learn. It is an open question to what extent the consistency constraints in the model and the mutual independence assumption of Section 5 can be relaxed and still allow provable results on the utility of co-training from unlabeled data. The preliminary experimental results presented suggest that this method of using unlabeled data has a potential for significant benefits in practice, though further studies are clearly needed.

We conjecture that there are many practical learning problems that fit or approximately fit the co-training model. For example, consider the problem of learning to classify segments of television broadcasts [7, 14]. We might be interested, say, in learning to identify televised segments containing the US President. Here Xl could be the set of possible video images, X2 the set of possible audio signals, and X their cross product. Given a small sample of labeled segments, we might learn a weakly predictive recognizer hl that spots full-frontal images of the president's face, and a recognizer h1 that spots his voice when no background noise is present. We could then use co-training applied to the large volume of unlabeled television broadcasts, to improve the accuracy of both classifiers. Similar problems exist in many perception learning tasks involving multiple sensors. For example, consider a mobile robot that must learn to recognize open doorways based on a collection of vision (Xl). sonar (X2), and laser range (X3) sensors. The important structure in the above problems is that each instance x can be partitioned into subcomponents xi, where the [math]\displaystyle{ x_i }[/math] are not perfectly correlated, where each [math]\displaystyle{ x_i }[/math] can in principle be used on its own to make the classification, and where a large volume of unlabeled instances can easily be collected.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
1998 CombiningLabAndUnlabDataCotrainingAvrim Blum
Tom M. Mitchell
Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data with Co-trainingProceedings of COLT 1998 Conferencehttp://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/Web/People/avrim/Papers/cotrain.ps.gz10.1145/279943.2799621998