Bayesian Neural Network (BNN)
A Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) is a neural network that ..
- See: Bidirectional Neural Network, Epistemic Neural Network (ENN), Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN).
- QUOTE: A Bayesian neural network (BNN) refers to extending standard networks with posterior inference. Standard NN training via optimization is (from a probabilistic perspective) equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the weights.
For many reasons this is unsatisfactory. One reason is that it lacks proper theoretical justification from a probabilistic perspective: why maximum likelihood? Why just point estimates? Using MLE ignores any uncertainty that we may have in the proper weight values. From a practical standpoint, this type of training is often susceptible to overfitting, as NNs often do.
One partial fix for this is to introduce regularization. From a Bayesian perspective, this is equivalent to inducing priors on the weights (say Gaussian distributions if we are using L2 regularization). Optimization in this case is akin to searching for MAP estimators rather than MLE. Again from a probabilistic perspective, this is not the right thing to do, though it certainly works well in practice.
The correct (i.e., theoretically justifiable) thing to do is posterior inference, though this is very challenging both from a modelling and computational point of view. BNNs are neural networks that take this approach. In the past this was all but impossible, and we had to resort to poor approximations such as Laplace’s method (low complexity) or MCMC (long convergence, difficult to diagnose). However, lately there have been some super-interesting results on using variational inference to do this [1], and this has sparked a great deal of interest in the area.
BNNs are important in specific settings, especially when we care about uncertainty very much. Some examples of these cases are decision making systems, (relatively) smaller data settings, Bayesian Optimization, model-based reinforcement learning and others.
- QUOTE: A Bayesian neural network (BNN) refers to extending standard networks with posterior inference. Standard NN training via optimization is (from a probabilistic perspective) equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the weights.
- (Srivastava et al., 2014) ⇒ Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (2014). “Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting.” In: The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1).
- QUOTE: ... Dropout can be seen as a way of doing an equally-weighted averaging of exponentially many models with shared weights. On the other hand, Bayesian neural networks (Neal, 1996) are the proper way of doing model averaging over the space of neural network structures and parameters. In dropout, each model is weighted equally, whereas in a Bayesian neural network each model is weighted taking into account the prior and how well the model fits the data, which is the more correct approach. Bayesian neural nets are extremely useful for solving problems in domains where data is scarce such as medical diagnosis, genetics, drug discovery and other computational biology applications. However, Bayesian neural nets are slow to train and diffcult to scale to very large network sizes. Besides, it is expensive to get predictions from many large nets at test time. On the other hand, dropout neural nets are much faster to train and use at test time. In this section, we report experiments that compare Bayesian neural nets with dropout neural nets on a small data set where Bayesian neural networks are known to perform well and obtain state-of-the-art results. The aim is to analyze how much does dropout lose compared to Bayesian neural nets. The data set that we use (Xiong et al., 2011) comes from the domain of genetics. The task is to predict the occurrence of alternative splicing based on RNA features. Alternative splicing is a significant cause of cellular diversity in mammalian tissues. Predicting the occurrence of alternate splicing in certain tissues under different conditions is important for understanding many human diseases. Given the RNA features, the task is to predict the probability of three splicing related events that biologists care about. The evaluation metric is Code Quality which is a measure of the negative KL divergence between the target and the predicted probability distributions (higher is better). Appendix B.6 includes a detailed description of the data set and this performance metric.
Table 8 summarizes the performance of different models on this data set. Xiong et al. (2011) used Bayesian neural nets for this task. As expected, we found that Bayesian neural nets perform better than dropout. However, we see that dropout improves significantly upon the performance of standard neural nets and outperforms all other methods. The challenge in this data set is to prevent overfitting since the size of the training set is small. One way to prevent overfitting is to reduce the input dimensionality using PCA. Thereafter, standard techniques such as SVMs or logistic regression can be used. However, with dropout we were able to prevent overfitting without the need to do dimensionality reduction. The dropout nets are very large (1000s of hidden units) compared to a few tens of units in the Bayesian network. This shows that dropout has a strong regularizing effect.
- QUOTE: ... Dropout can be seen as a way of doing an equally-weighted averaging of exponentially many models with shared weights. On the other hand, Bayesian neural networks (Neal, 1996) are the proper way of doing model averaging over the space of neural network structures and parameters. In dropout, each model is weighted equally, whereas in a Bayesian neural network each model is weighted taking into account the prior and how well the model fits the data, which is the more correct approach. Bayesian neural nets are extremely useful for solving problems in domains where data is scarce such as medical diagnosis, genetics, drug discovery and other computational biology applications. However, Bayesian neural nets are slow to train and diffcult to scale to very large network sizes. Besides, it is expensive to get predictions from many large nets at test time. On the other hand, dropout neural nets are much faster to train and use at test time. In this section, we report experiments that compare Bayesian neural nets with dropout neural nets on a small data set where Bayesian neural networks are known to perform well and obtain state-of-the-art results. The aim is to analyze how much does dropout lose compared to Bayesian neural nets. The data set that we use (Xiong et al., 2011) comes from the domain of genetics. The task is to predict the occurrence of alternative splicing based on RNA features. Alternative splicing is a significant cause of cellular diversity in mammalian tissues. Predicting the occurrence of alternate splicing in certain tissues under different conditions is important for understanding many human diseases. Given the RNA features, the task is to predict the probability of three splicing related events that biologists care about. The evaluation metric is Code Quality which is a measure of the negative KL divergence between the target and the predicted probability distributions (higher is better). Appendix B.6 includes a detailed description of the data set and this performance metric.
- (Barber & Bishop, 1998) ⇒ David Barber, and Christopher M. Bishop. (1998). “Ensemble Learning in Bayesian Neural Networks.” In: Christopher M. Bishop (editor), "Generalization in Neural Networks and Machine Learning." Springer. ISBN:354064928X
- (Bate et al., 1998) ⇒ Andrew Bate, Marie Lindquist, I. Ralph Edwards, Sten Olsson, Roland Orre, Anders Lansner, and R. Melhado De Freitas. (1998). “A Bayesian Neural Network Method for Adverse Drug Reaction Signal Generation.” European journal of clinical pharmacology 54, no. 4