Approximate Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Task

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An Approximate Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Task is a non-negative matrix factorization task that is an approximate matrix factorization task (to find two nonnegative matrices W and H such that a given nonnegative matrix V is approximately equal to the matrix product of W and H.)



  • (Wikipedia, 2015) ⇒ Retrieved:2015-5-1.
    • Usually the number of columns of W and the number of rows of H in NMF are selected so the product WH will become an approximation to V. The full decomposition of V then amounts to the two non-negative matrices W and H as well as a residual U, such that: V = WH + U. The elements of the residual matrix can either be negative or positive.

      When W and H are smaller than V they become easier to store and manipulate. Another reason for factorizing V into smaller matrices W and H, is that if one is able to approximately represent the elements of V by significantly less data, then one has to infer some latent structure in the data.