Anthropic Claude LLM

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An Anthropic Claude LLM is an Anthropic LLM.



    • QUOTE:
      • 200K token context window - Claude can now process documents up to 200,000 tokens long, over 500 pages of text. This allows analyzing entire codebases, long documents.
      • 2x decrease in hallucination rates - Claude 2.1 is significantly less likely to provide false information compared to the previous version. This improves reliability and trust.
      • New tool use beta feature - Allows Claude to integrate with users' processes, products, APIs to orchestrate workflows, retrieve info from databases/knowledge bases.
      • Upgrades to developer experience - New Workbench product for iterating on prompts, system prompts for customizing Claude's behavior, generating code snippets.
      • Claude 2.1 now powers free and paid chat interface at The 200k token context window is for paid users.
    • Overall, Claude 2.1 focuses on enterprise capabilities - accuracy, honesty, customizability. Key goals are building trust in AI systems and enabling business use cases.