AWS IAM Console

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An AWS IAM Console is a AWS configuration console for AWS IAM.



    • QUOTE: The Amazon Lex Console now configures permissions for Amazon Lex automatically. You can now create bots without any manual steps or modification of IAM policies. To support this streamlined experience, we have added support for the following features:
      • Amazon Lex now supports IAM service-linked roles. Service-linked roles are a new type of role (still in preview) that makes it easier to grant AWS services, such as Amazon Lex, permissions to manage AWS resources on your behalf. Amazon Lex automatically creates the service-linked role in your account with pre-defined permissions required to manage your bots and channels. This means only Amazon Lex can assume the role and you can use Lex to make any modifications or delete a service-linked role. This enables Amazon Lex to validate that any changes to a service-linked role do not impact the functionality of the AWS resources that rely on that role. All new Amazon Lex bots will automatically use a service-linked role starting April 11, 2017. To create bots and channels with service-linked roles all you have to do is update permissions in Amazon Lex’s existing policy as described here. Once Amazon Lex creates the service-linked role, you will be able to view the role in the IAM console. Please note that your existing bots will continue to use IAM service roles.
      • Lambda permission management now uses resource-based policies instead of an IAM role. When you configure an intent to use a Lambda function, the Amazon Lex console automatically adds the necessary resource-based policy so that the intent can invoke the function.