AWS EC2 Launch Template
An AWS EC2 Launch Template is a configuration management tool that enables users to define EC2 instance configurations, manage versions, and streamline the process of launching Amazon EC2 instances using consistent, reusable templates.
- Context:
- It can (typically) define instance launch parameters such as the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID, Instance Type, key pair, security groups, and more, ensuring consistent configurations across multiple instances.
- It can (often) support advanced configuration options, including specifying IAM Roles, User Data Scripts, and detailed tagging for resource organization.
- It can range from being a simple configuration for a Single Instance to a complex setup involving Multiple Instance Types and Scaling Policies.
- It can integrate with AWS Services like Auto Scaling, Spot Fleet, and other EC2 services, allowing for unified management and scaling of resources.
- It can be managed and versioned, providing the flexibility to test different configurations without recreating the entire template, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors.
- It can facilitate Infrastructure As Code (IaC) practices by being included in AWS CloudFormation templates, ensuring consistent deployment and management of AWS resources.
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- Example(s):
- as used by an Auto Scaling Group to define the EC2 instance configurations.
- as used by in AWS CloudFormation Stack to automate the deployment of EC2 instances with specific IAM roles and user data scripts.
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- Counter-Example(s):
- Launch Configurations, which do not support versioning and must be recreated for any modifications, lacking the flexibility and advanced features of launch templates.
- Manual Instance Launch using the AWS Management Console, where instance parameters must be entered each time, leading to potential inconsistencies and errors.
- See: Auto Scaling, Spot Fleet, Amazon Machine Image.