ACM SIGART is an ACM SIG on Artificial Intelligence.
- Context:
- It can sponsor one of the following CS conferences: ASE: Automated Software Engineering Conference, HRI: Human Robot Interaction Conference; IUI: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Conference, K-CAP: Knowledge Capture Conference, WI/IAT: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.
- It can publisher the Conference Proceedings for the following CS conferences: ASE Conference, HRI: Human Robot Interaction Conference; IUI Conference, K-CAP: Knowledge Capture Conference, WI/IAT: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.
- It can support the following AI Journals: ACM TIST Journal, ACM TiiS Journal.
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- Counter-Example(s):
- See: AI Academic Institution, Learned Society.
- SIGAI - Artificial Intelligence: The scope of SIGAI, ACM's Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence, consists of the study of intelligence and its realization in computer systems. SIGAI's mission is to promote and support AI-related conferences. Members receive reduced registration rates to all affiliated conferences. Members also receive proceedings from the major SIGAI-sponsored conferences.