3rd-Party LLM Inference Cost Measure

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A 3rd-Party LLM Inference Cost Measure is a LLM cost measure associated with generating each output token during an inference API call of an API-based LLM.



  • (OpenAI, 2024) ⇒ "OpenAI Pricing.” In: OpenAI. [3]
    • QUOTE: "GPT-4 Turbo is priced at $0.03 per 1,000 tokens for input and output tokens combined."
    • NOTE: It provides detailed pricing information for various OpenAI models.


  • (Anthropic, 2024) ⇒ "Anthropic Claude 3 Pricing.” In: Anthropic. [4]
    • QUOTE: "Claude 3 Opus is designed for high-performance tasks, priced at $0.015 per 1,000 tokens."
    • NOTE: It explains the cost structure for different versions of Claude 3.


  • (AWS, 2024) ⇒ "AWS Bedrock LLM Pricing.” In: AWS. [5]
    • QUOTE: "AWS Bedrock offers competitive pricing for LLMs with regional variations."
    • NOTE: It details the pricing for LLM services provided by AWS.


  • Perplexity
    • The LLM Inference Cost Analysis for API Usage Measure is indeed an important metric for organizations evaluating the economic feasibility of deploying and scaling LLM-based solutions.
    • Examples
1. GPT-4 Inference Cost Analysis:
  - Input tokens: $0.03 per 1,000 tokens
  - Output tokens: $0.06 per 1,000 tokens
  This pricing structure allows for detailed cost analysis based on typical prompt and completion lengths for specific use cases.
2. Claude 3 Inference Cost Comparison:
  - Claude 3 Opus: $15 per million tokens
  - Claude 3 Sonnet: $3 per million tokens
  This comparison helps organizations choose the appropriate model variant based on their performance needs and budget constraints.


  • https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230503005338/en/MosaicML-Launches-Inference-API-and-Foundation-Series-for-Generative-AI-Leading-Open-Source-GPT-Models-Enterprise-Grade-Privacy-and-15x-Cost-Savings
    • NOTES
  • NOTE: Inference cost measures are critical for organizations looking to manage the expenses associated with deploying and running large language models in production environments.
  • NOTE: Efficient cost management in AI deployment can lead to significant financial savings and improved accessibility of advanced AI technologies for a broader range of applications.
  • NOTE: MosaicML's new offering significantly reduces the cost of deploying custom Generative AI models, making it 15x less expensive than other comparable services.
  • NOTE: The MosaicML Inference API enables enterprises to deploy models in their own secure environments, providing control over data privacy and reducing the cost of serving large models.
  • NOTE: MosaicML customers, including Replit and Stanford, have found that smaller, domain-specific models perform better than large generic models, highlighting cost efficiency and performance gains.
  • NOTE: MosaicML Inference provides flexibility by allowing developers to deploy custom models or select from a curated set of open-source models, optimizing cost and time through efficient ML systems engineering.
  • NOTE: Enterprises using MosaicML Inference can achieve high levels of data privacy and security, deploying models on their infrastructure of choice, with inference data remaining within their secured environment.