Bibliographic Citation Record
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A bibliographic citation record is a publication referencer that is an entity record.
- AKA: Citation Link.
- Context:
- It can (typically) be a member of a Citation Database.
- It can be matched to another Coreferent Record, such as a Citation Entry, by a Citation Record Coreference Resolution Task.
- It can be blended with another Coreferent Record by a Citation Record Canonicalization Task.
- It can be represented in a Citation Record Format.
- …
- Example(s):
- Title="Advanced Calculus"
- Title="Advanced Calculus", Author="Wilfred Kaplan", Edition="5th Edition", Format="Paperback", PublicationYear="2002".
- <author> Brodley, C. E. & Utgoff, P. E. </author> <year> (1992), </year> <title> Multivariate versus univariate decision trees, </title> <type> Technical Report COINS TR 92-8, </type> <institution> Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts,</institution>,<address> Amherst, MA, </address>
- <author> Kibler, D., & Aha, D. W. </author> <year> (1987). </year> <title> Learning representative exemplars of concepts: An initial case study. </title> <booktitle> In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning</booktitle> <pages> (pp.24-30. </pages> <address> Irvine, CA: </address> <publisher> Morgan Kaufmann. </publisher>
- a BibTeX Record (in BibTeX file format).
- a RIS Record (in RIS file format).
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Publication Reference String, such as “4. Rob Hall, Charles Sutton, Andrew McCallum. (2008). Unsupervised deduplication using cross-field dependencies. In: Proceedings of KDD-2008.”
- a Citation Mention, such as “In (Melli, 2007) the proposal is ...”
- a Bibliographic Citation Page.
- See: Data Attribute, Entity Reference Record, Person Record, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.
- (Shotton & Peroni, 2010) ⇒ David Shotton, and Silvio Peroni. (2010). “The Bibliographic Reference Ontology.”
- IRI:
- A record that uniquely references a particular publication (or a work in preparation for publication). Each bibliographic record is a set of entities describing aspects of the referenced work, for example authors, title, journal, publication year. The expression of a bibliographic record is a bibliographic reference, which contains some or all of these entities. … A bibliographic record is realized through bibliographic references only.